
Nicky seemed to think she was in prison for trafficking the maids (and had been in jail for a while, as others noted) the extenuating circumstance that she herself was trafficked and maybe she was not a legal resident of the country might have why her case was under review.

It's interesting how Alieda was such a such a selfish and neglectful mother and it took going to prison for her to really want to have a relationship with her daughter. You almost wonder if she'd really care about Daya if Daya wasn't stuck in prison with her.

I don't think Alex or Vee are really sociopaths (at least juging by the early season 2 episodes) In both cases I think they have a certain sociopaths elements of their personality, couples with a talent for using people and manipulating them but even within that they were capable of having genuine relationships with

Janae's probably the only one that I don't feel a ton of empathy for. I did love when she was finally connecting to Yoga Jones of all people and told the guard "hey we're having a moment here!" But honestly I wish Taystee had gotten the flashbacks in season 1, I think it would have been more powerful to show how she

I really enjoyed the subtle side-eye the nurse was throwing at Suzanne's parents before offering to do her hair. It was just another way the parents wanted to do right by their daughter but were not equipped with knowledge to help her. (ie ask or research how to do african american hair)


I think gratuitous Daario's ass was an apology for the gratuitous and not fan service hodor ass.

So wait a second, is McConaghey going tto perfrom on Broadway and also record a spoken word album so he can get an EGOT? Is this some kind of Tracy Morgan like dare/bet?

Anyone digging the Braavos design in the credits with the rube goldberg machine?! I have been hoping for the Ayra/Faceless men plotline for other reasons but the fact they'd design a Braavos for the credits makes me hopeful.

Yeah if they can recast Daario, why not bring in some cute 6 year old to be Tommen.

There was some great adventure time fan art with those two!

I just love Tywin's nonchalance as all the whores do they naked walk of shame out of the room. He's seen everything.

My guess is that they are saving the Battle for the Wall to finish out the season (maybe the second to last episode) so they are dragging out Jon and Stannis's story-lines because there's not a lot to really do before they both start fighting Mance Raydar. Arya and the Hound's story is pretty much over, not sure when

So how is Book Stanis going to handle Danerys (assuming she ever gets over to Westeros and he's alive to see it happen?) Will he implode over the reality that he's not the true heir after all because actually his brother was a usurping bag of dicks?

I'm kind of digging TV show Shireen. She's pretty cool.

A few random thoughts

And yet I really like Jeff and Shirley as a platonic pairing.

Very unsatisfying. And I really hate how much they've sidelined Shirley. She should have been down there searching for treasure. Also it seemed so weird that the gang just accepted once the door closed they'd all die underground, that Hickey and Shirley wouldn't do everything in their power to try and rescue them.

I loved how they had numbered their favorite sex styles. They really had the hooking up down to a science.

"the Save Greendale committee ended up not being as potent of a story generator"