
Personally, I think it’s fine that he makes a game he wants to make and ignores the criticism leveled against it. That’s his prerogative and it makes sense to ignore it for the type of game he is creating. But it really doesn’t make much sense to go stand with Gamersgate when doing so, that’s like joining the Nazi

If someone could prove to me that she’s actively calling for censorship, then I’d be more inclined to go down that line of discussion. Currently, no one has. One youtube video series/blog post does not a social upheaval make, and the idea that by simply opening a discussion in a public venue is enough to be guilty of

my opinion on the matter is that people like Jango_the_blue_fox should leave critics alone and let them critique games however the fuck they want to critique them instead of telling those critics how she thinks they should critique games.

What a well thought out comment! Thank you!

So you just want to censor the critics?

“My opinion is that people shouldn’t publicly voice their opinions,” he said publicly.

My opinion is that nobody is allowed to criticize video games.

Gamergate V. Feminism is often operating on a different set of facts. This article smartly articulates a lot of those misconceptions - censorship predominately among them.

I don’t agree with the bulk of Anita’s arguments, but I’m always perplexed why these GamerGate people freak out whenever Anita critiques the industry. It’s a critique not a fucking court order, damn!