Frank Durocher

I’m *really* surprised to see a write-up on this without mentioning Silicon Dust’s HDHomeRun (and Prime) tuners, using their own DVR software. It’s almost a perfect solution, and the cost breakdown is trivial as well - therefore touching on all of the major parts of your article here. My cost breakdown: I pay Comcast

Back. Blaze. Seriously. I’m surprised to find so many people are just willing to let CrashPlan do whatever-the-heck-they-want with their customers...

I just want to post here for everybody else and say that I’m heavily involved in my church, I’m a hardcore follower of Jesus, and I literally agree with almost nothing this EV-Expert guy just said. Jussayin.

lol! You think this is isolated to Republicans?! Everybody who holds any power does the same exact thing: choose your party because politics and money.

Some of these comments are hilarious. I, for one, love flying. I love waiting at airports. And I have almost zero problems with security. It’s kinda serene to me... Show up with plenty of time to spare (just in case), get a coffee, and then you sit and are forced into just *waiting*. Just plain old good fashioned


Really though - if your layers restrict your movement, you’re doing it wrong. I moved from sunny SoCal to western Washington and I am so impressed with the right clothing. I can now wear a really good base layer with jeans and a T-Shirt and walk around outside in 35 degree weather.