
For the record most of the USA doesn’t either.  With the exception of Hockey where it is still subject to rules as an expected (if technically illegal) part of the sport, every other major American sport will immediately eject someone from a game if they assault another player outside of the rules of the game, and in

I’m genuinely convinced at this point that he just deliberately writes inflammatory shit he doesn’t believe for clicks.

Here is Bradley Brownell’s next blog:

Imagine someone works at Jalopnik, they get mad at you for taking the last breakfast bagel in the break room. They then proceed to grab the toaster, take it to your desk and throw it directly at your head.

Would you say firing that person would be a little “harsh?” 

I’m convinced that you’re just an intentional troll. Not sure if it’s for the clicks or what. But man, everything about your take is just wrong.

Of all your bad takes, and you issue a good number of them, this is definitely one of the worst.

...what? So you are comparing this person who crossed a live track on foot multiple times and threw a bumper at a competitor in an open cockpit kart...to NASCAR and dirt track racers who have thrown helmets, gloves or smaller items at a competitors in enclosed cockpits. Hell the best example we have of someone

NASCAR literally encourages shit like this.

That US railways have always ended up being public funded but not public owned has certainly done them no favors wrt public acceptance.

True - Now show that bus reaching 50 different destinations at the same time or those 50 people with 5 bags of groceries each. Or needing to get somewhere in a limited amount of time.

That bus assumption is predicated on everyone going to the same place, at the same time, in the same general direction. It has a place but it cannot and never will replace individual transport. I rode the METRO park and ride in Houston (a great system BTW) for years and loved it. There were also days I needed to drive

I’m still trying to understand the point of this piece. Is it to demonize GM and “Big Car” and government corruption?

yea but those people see a picture like this and use it as a reason for wanting to be in their car, isolated from others.

This remembering of the origin story of the Interstates and US highways seems a bit simplistic.

Y’all didn’t mention that GM forced electric trollies out of existence because GM was a bus manufacturer. Electric trollies didn’t pollute like a diesel bus...

The thing I liked most about taking the train to downtown Dallas when I was regularly going there was not having to worry about parking. I don’t think I saved any time making the trip, and I still had to have a car to get from my home to the train station (my particular suburb does not have bus service).

“Our government built highway system is riddled with corruption and doesn’t work all that well. My solution? A government built train system, surely those have never been riddled with corruption and functionality problems.”

Can you write an article without exposing your naivete? Good gravy, dude.

Americans like to think of corruption as something that happens in other countries.

It wasn’t just Charlie Wilson. There was an active effort in military and disaster planning, post atomic bomb, to help enforce urban decentralization. Thus preserving lives & productions during atomic attack. Of course planners never imagined that the technology & number of warheads would advance to the point that