
Well base in my experience in the beta, yes; it's complicated but it's also forgiving. I jumped right in without reading anything and was able to figure out how to build my characters the way I wanted. After the first level or two you'll have a pretty good grasp of it.

Sometimes they do; saying you are here to serve and actually doing it are two different things. Actions speak louder than words and all that. I'm not talking about you Jason, and I won't name anyone since that's not what this is about.

I still think that in the overall health of the planet carbon emissions from downloading are better than millions and millions of plastic non-biodegradable discs.

WARNING: The Millenium Falcon is overpowered as shit and has the potential to end friendships faster than a game of Risk or Monopoly.

I saw this in Reddit too yesterday and I'm also skeptical because the study doesn't seem to take into account that eventually the discs will end up in a landfill somewhere and will take an eternity to decompose, polluting the environment exponentially more in the process than downloading; not to mention all the

It's a little presumptuous of you to dictate what people should draw. Drawing and painting are an artistic expression, he can draw whatever he wants in whatever style he sees fit.

Yeah, it does. I'm just not a console gamer; I don't want to spend $450 just to play one game then have the thing just sit there collecting dust like every console I've ever owned.

It's been heavily hinted at and anything but confirmed. Either way I'm not a fan of shooters and I'm not a console gamer so if it doesn't come out on PC I frankly won't regret not playing it, unlike something like "The Last of Us" or "Uncharted" where I feel I missed out.

I'm not, I'm looking to play it on PC with my group of friends :)

I'm waiting until the PC version so I can play with my guild since not everyone has or wants a PS4; once the PC version is out I'll probably just play up to end game and move on to something else.

It's not about that, it's about investment vs. output. We can argue this until the cows come home because it's a matter of opinion but I feel that a documentary of this nature takes less time to make than something like Divinity: Original Sin, or Wasteland 2, or Pillars of Eternity. It also takes less people and

It looks really interesting, but like every documentary or movie I ever think about Kickstarting the price point is just too high. You don't get a copy of it until you hit the 20 pound stage which is over $30 and that's just too much for me to swing (No pun intended)

I barely have enough time to play games now and I have a baby on the way; shorter games are a God send for me. The last long game I beat was Skyrim; everything else has stayed half-played at best :(

I find it very amusing that most of the comments on this article, whether in support or against it are guilty of the negative behavior the letter addresses.

I can only speak for myself, of course, but I've never cared two shits about what my computer looks like. All I care about is what's inside it and if it gets enough cooling. I've had the same case for about 10 years even though the guts are never more than 3 years old and frankly, looking at that thing I'd rather

Honest question for those of you smarter and more analytical than me; as a male, why am I not bothered by any of this like some women seem to be about sexualized (and the objectification of) women in the media?

Finally watched the video and loved it, great video and a great argument!

Yes, but what is your point? The rate at which women depicted in sexual AND violent situations is much higher in games than the times men are portrayed being the victims of crime which is the point of the video; you are trying to have a different argument.

Well because at the end of the day it's just a movie meant to be fun and all parties are in agreement; obviously your view differs from Carrie Fisher's or she wouldn't have done it.

After watching her documentary show/series I absolutely believe it. This poor woman is a trainwreck, she's addicted to fame like she was addicted to drugs; not to mention she's self-centered, unfair, and victimizes herself every chance she gets.