
Ha! I never know; a lot of people DO buy it just for the digital stuff (That's how I've gotten the Diablo ones off E-Bay since I don't play that game)

Because as an artist the art book is 100% of the reason I buy Collector's Editions of any game, ESPECIALLY Blizzard games, they have the best art books.

Still no word on the physical Collector's Edition :(

Ideally I'd like to see all starred comments on by default, sorted by popularity; then click to see all other comments.

I loved the star system and I miss it. I remember the day I got my star on both Gizmodo and Kotaku like I remember a life milestone; I'm not even kidding about that.

Fantasy Evolve, I'm OK with this; I hope it's not rushed though, it certainly feels rushed.

You had me at XCOM and the $15 price point is my personal sweet spot for backing a Kickstarter project. Count me in!

As a PC gamer this is great news. I look forward to checking this game out. I don't hate consoles and I'm not going to say some dumb PC master race stuff, but I just can't get into console gaming at all; I hope this trend continues so all gamers can enjoy all games regardless of their preferred platform.

Between this and the lack of pools I'm left wondering "What DOES The Sims 4 have?"

Great article; if publishers didn't spend absurd amounts of money on pointless marketing we'd be reading a different article today. A game that costs $50M to make will sometimes triple that in marketing costs alone, every single time it's unnecessary. The people who make the game get laid off while the jocks who

Off the top of my head I'd say a more equal profit distribution as well as lower marketing expenses.

I'll probably check it out once it's heavily discounted but I can't bring myself to get excited about this game. I love Civilization V, I still play it often but I'm having a hard time relating to the sci-fi setting in this one.

Honest question.

Your move, Valve (Seriously, Gabe; I'd pay triple that for a similar system on Steam)

I guess being a hot expert archaeologist who also is a super skilled fighter as well as expert marksman with bows and guns, and natural survivalist is totally more plasusible...

I enjoy the new animated show on Nickelodeon better; but this movie was awesome; I personally enjoyed it a lot and loved the art style.

Boring but happier :)

I am, have you seen the way GTAIV and Skyrim look on my PC? Also having tons of fun with Star Citizen and countless other PC-only indie titles both free and paid; it is brilliant, and tons of fun!

Frankly I don't know how much internet backlash really helps; while there are some cases where it seems effective there are many more where it seems to have zero effect.

I see what you mean and I thought about it when I was writing i. I'm not here saying I don't like Icehancer, and ultimately my post is agreeing with Monochrome even if what I'm saying is that I dislike what he did; I even called him a nice guy :)