
I disagree about different audiences. I backed Pillars and I can't wait to play it but I'm also a Dragon Age fan and while I disliked part 2 I am super pumped for Inquisition. If I had to choose between them I choose Inquisition first; then I'll play Pillars after I'm done with it. I doubt many more people while go

Indeed; if they do that I'll ask for a refund. I won't get it, but at least I'll ask for one for the record, and it will surely be the last Ubisoft game I pre-order.

Definitely a step in the right direction. Gamers have been telling big developers and publishers this for years but it fell in deaf ears. I guess now that it's been an obviously successful model for established companies like Double Fine or newcomers like Star Citizen and all the other Kickstarters they are starting

I just tested it myself, the distance blur is awesome but I feel they have the threshold set too close; it gives the world a fantastic sense of depth though!

There's only one thing EA/Bioware needed to tell me about the new Dragon Age:

Is this still coming out for PC?

Not. Just turn-based; TACTICAL turn-based! I need this in my life! Do I need to buy Starcraft or is there a free way to play it?

Same here; I loved everything about this game; but you had to grind so much I never made it to the really good parts because I was bored out of my mind. Maybe it'll be different when I'm playing it on a train that I'm already bored in.

It's so fucking terrible; there is no way to add your own, unfortunately. Hopefully that's something that will be modded in.

I find all the things you are saying true; yet I'm still having a lot of fun with the game. I don't like GTA and I don't like AC yet I like this weird mix of the two. I like that for once I'm a "good" guy (Even though I'm running around stealing a lot of cars...like, a lot) instead of some criminal.

Yeah; based on the fact that we haven't seen it since then I'm not holding my breath.

Sure, but I felt it was overall far more realistic and immersive than anything else we get. Like, they couldn't get the lip thing right; but it was still much more natural than the robotic animations we get now. If you look at Kevin Spacey in the CoD trailer he looks like a Hall of Presidents animatronic; the guy in

My dream is that one day every game uses L.A. Noire's tech; that game had a lot of issues, sure, but it's still the most immersive experience I've had in a game thanks to the fantastic acting and facial animation/projection.

That's because the second there is anything going on with your body that is out of the ordinary you should have it checked out. Swelling of any kind is not normal...

Do you eat a lot of meat? It could be gout. Either way, I hope you are already at the ER or Urgent Care Center if you are reading this, if you are not you need to drop everything you are doing and go immediately. As in right now, the longer you wait the higher your risk of not being around anymore.

Hi Adam,

I'm a lifelong Tolkien fan as well. I'm also a lifelong gamer. If I want games set in the Tolkien Universe then I have to suspend my disbelief and be open to this type of stuff, which I am.

You are fanboying hard right now dude...this is reviewing the game, not the drivers, not the gamer's knowledge; and the game has a technical flaw they decided to point out. One that I may add is so basic, especially for a company like id that is frankly surprising. Nobody is saying the game sucks because of it;

I bought this based on my love for Bastion; I'm glad that it lives up to its older brother. I can't wait to go home and play it. I loved the graphics, soundtrack, story and narrator in Bastion but I hated the gameplay; turn-based combat is a step in the right direction IMO and I hope to see more games like this!

I didn't mean they should buy them off; I meant they should partner with them like they do with everyone else.