Jeter commands the salary he does because he's worth more to the franchise, at least as perceived by the franchise.
Jeter commands the salary he does because he's worth more to the franchise, at least as perceived by the franchise.
Shrugs. He likely had a better agent.
Ok. Let me try it another way.
Well, when you produce yourself, you decide on your salary, which is basically your profit. Everything Sandler appears in is Happy Madison productions, which I believe he owns.
A nonstarter in the entertainment industry, as applied to performers. There is no such thing as the 'same' job.
Doesn't he produce himself? Which means that salary is a non-issue.
I do believe that's what agents and lawyers are for. If Amnda Seyfried had a huge following, she could name her price.
Not my favorite by a long shot, but he does sell tickets.
Don't they pay these people what they are worth at the box office? Male or female?
Well, ok, so why is a well established actress like this one getting this kind of info from her agent? And why is the agent sufficiently annoyed that she ends the relationship?
Rose McGowan going to a casting call? Like an unknown? Hmmmmmmm.
I do believe Ms. McGowan might have informed us what the role was.
Well, I think that was for Ms. McGowan to say.
Some movie roles are like that, particularly in broad farce. It's not like she was applying for a secretarial position or reading for The Nun's Story.
I'm not at all on her page here. If the nature of the role called for an actress with these kind of attributes, then her agent should so inform her - which apparently he did.
You can believe that or not - at the very least, it's not the CIA, it's the President, and with the enthusiastic endorsement of the host nation - if you like. Some would say that the men who hold their families hostage against the drones are the ones morally responsible. (What responsible father, knowing what At-Alawi…
On the worst day the CIA ever had, the KGB made them look like boy scouts. CIA excesses exist far more in the imaginations of Hollywood screen writers than reality. That is absolutely not the case with the Soviets.
One of the reasons the show is not terribly popular is that Philip and Elizabeth are both truly despicable, she more than he.
You guys obviously aren't aware of Netflix-X. Not surprised - only a few people are.