Shipwreck's Parrot

That is one big yarmluke.

He will be he one person in hell who won't have to watch the Sports Reporters.

This will pair nicely with the Colt 45 "No way we are going near the damn water" hospitality church van in Harlem setting up shop.

What do Al Bundy and Tom Brady have in common?

Newton always pointing out what goes up, must come down.

HER: (closes eyes) I can picture it with my mind!

This story is really inspiring. For the rest of the day Austin Hatch is going to be the wind beneath my wings.

Serious question: How much of the ire here is because it was Deadspin? If he had done it as part of his radio show, or anonymously through a website, or some other way, there would still be the "why don't people wear ties to games anymore" crowd whining, but isn't some of the anger directed at Dan also people who

The biggest debate I keep having is Kluwe at 14:57 of fame of 14:03?

And just to clarify he did not choose 3 because of Dale Earnhardt, he picked it because it looks like an overhead view of some nice honkers.

Its nice to see post-lesbian Kelly McGillis got work on Sportcenter.

I was crying watching this. I mean at least this kids dad want to spend time with him. The only time I ever saw my Dad was when my Mom would send me down to O'leary's when it was time to collect him. On the way home he would share a Camel. Oh to be seven again.

Totally agree on Hunts. It's so much more flavorful than Heinz.

If only a linebacker had offed himself, I would have made it through the holidays.

I am just happy that Ryan White is now Number 5 on Farmington's baskeball team.

Simmons already has 8500 words comparing this to the 1996 Pacers team and season two of Girls.

Hopefully ESPN will report this story with a montage to Beyonce's "Single Ladies".

I'll have what he's having.

You'd think he would handle some of the players more gingerly.

Challenge accepted.