
I am sure they will still sell in Russia, Arabian Peninsula, China, etc.

Love this VW, but I think the 1960s FSO Syrena Sport takes the fast-looks, little-power trophy. A little backstory first: FSO, or Fabryka Samochodów Osobowych (Factory of Passenger Cars), was a Polish car company a while back. They'd already made the Syrena passenger car, and would go on to make other cool cars later,

Just me or does the guy in the video have that vibe that punching him in the face would make you feel a lot better


Love bacon. Hate cats. Just sayin'.

I'm assuming you realize that your bike is the equivalent of a 1988 Chrysler Omni with a missing window, stolen stereo, broken third gear, four drum brakes and two wheels falling off, so I'll refrain from commenting on your review of your ride. You know it would have been less life-shortening had you ridden a

" In 1988, Mainstone opted to grab a snack and missed the drop by five minutes. "

This is nice and all, but the fact that it looks like every other goddamn car in their lineup completely ruins it for me. I used to love the fact that Mazda's cars pretty much looked different from each other, and had their own unique qualities. Now the 3 looks like a mini CX-5, which looks like a mini CX-9, and the

[edit] Why can't Kinja allow us to delete our own comments when, for example, we reply to the wrong person and notice it before the edit window closes?

Mr. Clarkson takes us to Scottland in a brand new 730 horsepower Ferrari F12 Berlinetta. SExpand

I'll wait for the Pirate Bay pricing model, thanks.

doncha just love how gizmodo got rid of the "expand picture" option (that opened a high res version) ?

Does anyone else have the ability to pop your ears by, what I assume is, contracting a muscle in your inner ear? I have always been able to pop my ears without holding my nose or needing to swallow.

Accuracy is an illusion. Embrace the fact that time is ephemeral and relative. Were an automatic instead.