
Could someone please give this poor Challenger a set of wheels that don’t look fugly?

Just call it ‘Star Wars’ and be done with it.

Counter point: Chevy trucks are best looking trucks right now.

And I naively thought it was about attitude towards alcoholic beverages.

Star Wars is Si-Fi with visual layer as it used to be in the ‘70s. This poetic is pretty hard to understand when you don’t see it as a homage and continuation of the original films.

I’m curious, from your standpoint, are there any disadvantages to people allowing their data to be sold to third parties for research? Besides the obvious, that is giving rich giants like GS&K their data for free. 

That’s the visualization I was thinking of. Thanks! Somehow it’s more satisfying than googling myself. Strange, huh?

Thanks! I appreciate the patient way of your explanation.

I need a visualization explaining why lunar eclipse doesn’t happen every full moon though.

Also, this looks like correct rubber to rim ratio. 

It takes a Mopar to catch a Mopar.

Where are the pictures?

Damn it, now I feel like I need to go down this rabbit hole and check it myself.

So all that stuff goes in circles in a whirlwind being sucked into black hole, and because all the random grinding some particles suddenly have enough energy to escape the gravitational pull of the BH? And all that chaotic grinding creates EM field able to focus this escape into a beam? Has someone actually done the

Charged particle going through EM field should experience a kinetic force acting on it. That’s what I remember from physics. So that force creates those rays? 

A bright black hole at the center of a galaxy was eating up the dust surrounding it and spitting out high-energy jets of particles and light in our direction.

My grandpa used to use razor blade to cut his nails. It was difficult to watch. But to answer your question, I guess any decent blade would do. No clue what did the trick before steel was a thing.

How about sled dogs of Native Peoples in Alaska and Canadian Arctic? Are those Native American dogs or something else?

Or, you know, we can see this as a sign of progress. If the men who put together the most progressive republic of it’s era could by today’s standards be seen as racist, sexist, and bigoted, then this shows the progress we’ve made as a society.

Or, perhaps, a half assed job.