
It would be great if you mentioned and elaborated on fire engines and train engines. Because the use of word engine and also because awesome.

I’m pretty sure it’s a Ford, dude.

Unpopular opinion. OK I have some: I don’t care for emissions and environment when it comes to cars. I don’t care for diesel gate. I like internal combustion engines.

Silent Service II!!! This was/is a great game 😋

On a side note, could you please refrain from dismembering cute Swedish journalist when submarining while sporting fancy wrist watches?

That’s the new Land Cruiser, right?

China is a biiiig market. No really, it’s big.

Nevertheless you’re right. It should be true that burning fossil fuels in a power plant is more efficient than in car engine. But there’s all kinds of losses during sending in the grid and so on. I’d love to see the calculations though.

Thing is as far as I know there’s no EV that gets comparable range and a recharge time allowing for a road trip. This is what I mean by crude.

120 years of fine tuning for efficiency is pretty valuable. Alternatives are pretty crude so far.


Why the rear part of the car looks like it came from another car?

Orlove orloves. Almost. 

So, how to eat the cake and keep the cake?

I love the wheels!

The original game is called Prisoner’s Dilemma and is a first thing you learn about Game Theory.

Great, thanks, your mother said that’s how she’s got you.

Nope, I had a shitty internet connection when reading the post and pics didn’t load up. If bat shit crazy on drugs than I’d allow it.

I’m relaxed. It’s just the first thing that came to my mind when reading was mental illness and empathy kicked in. I’d also like you to relax and please stop sending people over to my place.