
Generally the wait staff at a high end place is either extremely experienced, or has had some kind of education in the field. I don't know if you've ever dined at a high end place or not, but if you haven't, the wait staff at these places really are amazing.

I live very close to Boston. I think the restaurants around here are great. However! The most underrated city for eating out is Providence, RI. I've been down there 10+ times (Work, dates, catching up with college friends) and gone out to eat 10+ times, everywhere someplace different. I have never had anything less

The problem is, red flags are a lot harder to spot from inside the relationship. Also, much more likely to be "explained away"

That was some great self restraint not to throw in a Dexys Midnight Runner reference...

Me too:)

ME for me, and you are absolutely right. Never really struggled to much in high school, but definitely had many sleepless nights, and missed many nights of drinking when my Comm and BM major buddies were out.

Great user name

Hahah yes it is. I over kicked my coverage

She said yes, that's the important part. I posted a couple pictures in response to someone else:-)

No, the guy posing as a photographer was just to give an excuse for him to be there. I pulled out the ring and proposed as we were posing, so he was able to get pictures of that.

I did a kinda public proposal last week. Does that make me a bad person?

You're absolutely right. One of my other pet peeves is when a plot keeps going, only because people won't spell shit out to each other. Like if the siblings had candid, real life discussions, stuff could be solved. But, instead, everyone has to be cryptic and vague to keep their "secrets"

I feel the same way. All the reviews were telling me how much better book two was. Book one I finished in one sitting. Book two took me a full week (very long for a book I was excited about) because I just couldn't get into it the same way.

It was my understanding that neither party wanted to pick up the option. Revis would have been pissed if they did. Because he would have been playing on a one year contract again. Big risk, as opposed to now being paid for 5 years, even if he gets hurt.

I was up at Sunday River last weekend. The bartender at the North Peak lodge made me a drink I'd never had before.

I am a 29 y/o guy, enjoy the over sexualized stuff as much as the next pervert... but all of these are bad ass. Totally on board with these artist being in charge,.

I actually did live in the city at that time (Brighton technically, in Malden now). I agree with you. I think I could consider it, but I am not sure if we were voting on the law itself, what I would do.

I am on the fence about the death penalty. However, federally, it's the law that the death penalty can be considered for certain crimes. So what they are asking you is, will you abide by the law, and consider the death penalty for this case. When you say no, you are saying you are not willing to abide by that law. I

I also find it ironic that those who politically support this will also be the same ones complaining about "anchor babies".

Personally, I just don't see the benefit in it. Especially when you consider a new romantic partner in your life. Because no matter what you say, the "friendship" you have with someone you have felt that strongly for, will not be a normal one, and they will forever hold part of you back while you still have any