
Completely agree with you. Though my biggest issue was that no one asked her what their plan was? The way Wilmore framed it was "You fly up there, and die 68 days later." Not once did anyone ask "Is your plan to study and report your findings in order to advance the knowledge for the next trip?" or "Is your plan to

So what you're saying is that because he read the ESPN article, he DESERVED to be offended??!?!!?

So what you're saying is because he read the ESPN article, he DESERVED to be offended?!?!?!

I don't know why I decided to read these, as I am planning on proposing in a few weeks, and this has made me absolutely terrified....

Not cool man...not cool....

I have the banana hook contraption! I love that thing. And it has a little bowl under it for the apples.

I got burned bad a few years ago at a bar. Attractive woman asks to bum a smoke, I give one to her (yay chivalry) and then she proceeds to hand it to her boyfriend not 10 feet away... I stewed in anger for weeks off of that one.

The big issue I had with Skyfall (and maybe I missed something) was that Casino Royal and Quantum seemed to be building up this big evil organization. At the end of Quantum, Bond seemed to be on pace to take them out. Then Skyfall seemed to move on from that. Is it just me, or was anyone else disappointed they didn't

Hahaha, that is a fair assesment. How is that any different than meeting people in life though. hahah

First thing I thought of hahah

People will shit on me for this, but here is my advice, someone who spent a lot of time online dating. Have a template, something friendly, not overly aggressive. Then, read through their profile, and find one or two things you find interesting, and reference them, by fitting them into your template. I've found that

I get how people can see it as insensitive, but, as an ex athlete who has added a few (30) pounds, this is just shit talk you get. My father pulls it with me all the time. People will say it is different, because she is a woman, but I would say that it was a shot at not being in shape enough to compete, not anything

So my gf and I have talked about getting engaged. Her mother wants her to have her (very expensive) ring from her previous marriage. I feel kind of shitty about using it, because I feel like its an easy cop out for me. What I would like to do, is use the stones from the ring, and create something new, putting some new

In the online dating world, I like to call that the "Swinging for the fences" technique

Not to trivialize, but the answer to how well you dialed 911 made me spit water on the monitor...

I understand the idea that rape prevention is a much bigger deal than "don't look like a victim" and that most women have been hearing this advice for years and years and years. However, this is a campus police website, not a political forum. Yes, I think our society needs a serious overhaul on the way we teach our

You are correct, it isn't your job to explain things, and books and Google do exist. However, if you turn away someone genuinely trying to learn, are helping or hurting a cause you believe in? Even a response as "Here is [basic answer to your question]. If you care understand more, try reading [Author, Book title,

These guys are disturbing. To call them "Lit bros" is an insult to bros. You can at least easily identify a bro, they don't try to hide. But these are true "wolf in sheep clothing" characters.

I feel ya, I had to go to Wikipedia a couple times for definitions during this article.

I always have to turn away, or do something else during this part. Watching old men eat is easily the most disgusting thing in the world.