
When I was a kid, on really hot days we’d go and dig the tar out of the road when it got melty and throw it at each other.

Okay, but only because you brought up McDonalds first. What if, say, the ketchup stain on my car seat has — hypothetically! — a piece of the paper McDonalds take out bag cemented to it?

Yeah, I thought that time I was mauled to death by a cougar while foraging for berries was pretty mean.

‘twas Saturday

*high five*


My brother was in the Peace Corps, and when he came back, he asked if I wanted the cookbook they’d given him there. It was a binder labeled “Cooking American dishes with Peruvian Ingredients”. I felt bad telling him that as soon as he came home, it pretty much rendered the cookbook useless.

My take: Thinking of Netflix’s Death Note as a tense drama (like the original), it sucked. Thinking of it as a dark comedy/horror parody, it was really fun. So, if you are an avid fan of the original, just don’t take it too seriously.

Is it really very similar tonally to Welcome to Night Vale? Because I’ve been avoiding it despite recommendations b/c I (unpopular opinion) think Night Vale is boring and disjointed.

I’m getting some Bran and Meera overtones here.

Yeah, they definitely could have made it more clear, but I took that scene to be, all the gold owed to the iron bank is now in King’s Landing, and the gold in the cart with the white horses is the “how we are paying our army” gold, and the rest of the carts were grain. But *shrug* who can say.

I think it depends which testing center you go to. The first time I tried for my license, I was instructed to (and failed to) drive in reverse through a parking lot (trying to go around several corners backwards is hard, especially when you’re 16!) The second time I literally just had to go around the block (“turn

Oh my gosh, haha, I literally just watched the episode this clip came from on Netflix last night. I think the show was called Hunters?

Now playing

Apu’s keeping the business alive, and...not that well, to be honest.

I have had the pleasure of seeing the Weinermobile twice. Once outside a Jewel-Osco, where they were grilling and giving away hotdogs and little hotdog whistles, and once street-parked in downtown Des Moines, no driver in sight, unfortunately.

Well, my car didn’t die, but I was parked in an okay during the day, not a great place to be at night neighborhood in Chicago. My friend drove me to my car, I waved goodbye, she left, I threw my purse and coat in the trunk (yes, I know that’s weird - ever since this occasion they go on the seat next to me like a

My dog ate an umbrella just last week.

I tried to find a GIF of Muriel Bagge for this, but the internet failed me.

Yeah, I heard about that too. Apparently, the greeks didn’t have a word for blue at all? I don’t think this was the only evidence, but I specifically remember they said in the Odyssey, the ocean was described as “wine-colored”.

A restaurant burnt down in my town a few years back. I didn’t like their food, so I was whatever about it, but my favorite bakery was next door, and they had to tear it down cause the water damage from putting out the restaurant was so bad.