
will you be sad if he doesnt reply?

I always imagined Jared sounding like Gilbert Gottfried.

You know, aside from the horror of the headline, having a baseline age for prosecution is something I believe is right and needed. The whole purpose of childhood is to learn boundaries. Clearly this kid needs help, jail isn’t remotely help.

you know the apocalypse is closer than ever when shit like this starts happening in Canada.

Does that mean he’s not coming on then?

if it said that, would you have clicked the title? clickbait.

One does not use their mouth in a hand job. Something including “blue” balls would have been funny, accurate, and topical, but sadly you lack the intelligence to think things through.

Sounds delicious. I assume he ordered ricotta pancakes not knowing that ricotta is cheese.

Amy Schumer isn’t funny! Lazy ass jokes

I’ll always love Goldie, but the more I see and hear Schumer, the less appealing she becomes.

It isn’t racist, it is clearly bigoted and Islamophobic, but not racism because racism applies to race and Muslims come in all races. Basically, words have meaning and we already have the correct words to describe the negative attributes of this post.

This thing is going to blow more trannies than a chruch trip to Thailand.

Clean entry and very little splash. 9/10.

150 years since confederation and 204 years since we burned down the white house! \o/

Saw the pic and was all like: He’s marrying Rachel Dolezal?

I can’t be the only person to think DJ Khaled’s wife looks a little bit like Rachel Dolezal

Sadly, Nintendo has already issued the child a Cease and Desist

“You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts.”

“The camera delivers more than 30 snapshots every second – faster than a cinema projector.”