Donegal Fan

I am European and have lived in NYC for 6 years so while not to sound elitist (because rape is defiantly a problem worldwide) but I would say it is worse in the US. I would blame that on guys. The bro culture is disturbing in how it treats women. And I cant understand how women don’t call out that bullshit at all

The one thing I will say on the extra money for “worse” cities is that if you do something like this you should also do something in terms of the cost of living per city i.e. a million goes further in Utah then in NYC or LA. They have this in the Australian football league where the Sydney teams gets a bigger cap

+1 This. I feel like a lot of media reports don’t understand how a bookie works. If they really did pay out $25 million as reported above, they easily took $25 million in on bets for Man United, Chelsea, Arsenal etc. Best result for the bookies I would imagine

I think this article hits the nail right on the head. I’m not the biggest UFC fan but was McGregor naive in thinking he could knock Diaz out that easily? Even when it looked like he was winning he was taking a lot of shots. But he was picking him off with his left hand at will. Surely if he had covered up more and