
Dillon Brooks from Oregon. He didn’t even gloat, he just took a long 3 at the end of the shot clock when the game was well in hand. Krzyzewski is a Krzyzithead.

Who was the player that beat Duke, gloated and then got chastised by Mike in the handshake line? It was in the last year or so. If I had been his mama, I would’ve let loose on Mike and he would’ve never stepped outside of his Duke Kingdom again to tell another player how they should be acting when he’s got this jerk

Krizilonski has spoken:

There is absolutely zero evidence for the accusation that Molitor used a slur against Mixon. Mixon, in the interview with police, does not accuse her of using a slur.

Jesus Christ, I read his account then watched the Video. So I thought she slapped him and then started wailing on him. WTF man, she pushed you, walk away! If she hits you while you are leaving you have the right to shove her down or ask for help from people around you so you don’t do anything to aggressive. He just

No to the former, yes to the latter. He barely moves when she weakly slaps at him. It’s also not the only discrepancy in his account.

Well I’m sure the fact that the version of events he’s describing looks nothing like the content of the video will in no way whatsoever discourage the “bitch probably had it coming” crowd defending him.

[T]he girl, she dropped her purse, that’s when she came in my face.

He got hit in the head while going into a protective slide and no penalty was called, despite the NFL claiming theyre all for player safety.

“Local reporters and national sports reporters took this and ran with it. CBS Sports published a blogpost on it, as did Yahoo Sports.”

That man’s supporters are really chafing me today- every other comment about this stupidity reminds “you whining libtard crybabies” about things such as 1. being on our knees to praise our new “persident” (The guy continually spelled the word this way. It kind of got amusing) 2. We are all about to be so rich that we


I don’t think it’s so much the model not being a recent mother as it is the fact that it’s yet another image of a thin model with rock-hard abs portraying a body that is supposed to have recently given birth.

I feel like this item is designed to make his breakdown somehow her fault. Like, don’t forget, ladies, his illness is your responsibility and anything it does to him or anyone else is your fault!

What is your reason for posting this? You even wrote it is nothing but what his attorneys wrote, so I’m a little confused as to the reasoning here. You left no explainer or anything...want to elaborate?

For those asking what happened according to her account mixon walked in called her friend a homosexual slur. She pushed him and then the rest is on the video.

Thanks for leaving Reddit long enough to share this incisive comment!

the “don’t hit a woman” is well understood in our society. Calling for equal rights as women because you are a buck 50 is seriously the weakest shit I have ever heard. Holy hell go lift a fucking weight and stop being a complete and utter pussy. Jesus dude.

lol shut up dipshit

Okay so the CIA and FBI say “Russia interfered illegally with our election”