How much have you spent?
How much have you spent?
Are you kidding? That would mean actually giving people what they want, and we all know that’s not how EA operates.
I’m not saying he’s just a roided up Yamcha...
Here are a ‘few’ for you
Nonbinary is just a fashion statement, at this point. All the cool kids are denouncing their biological gender! I wanna be cool, too! Obviously, I’m not talking about people that are inter-sexed or hermaphrodites, as that’s a physicality that some people are born with. I totally understand that. But, all this mental…
Players eager to rip and tear are in for a treat. Bethesda announced Doom Eternal during their E3 press conference…
Genuine, honest question here: Who really browses the store and relies on Steam’s built-in systems to find new games? Do those people actually exist (No, people specifically looking for crap games to stream and ridicule don’t count)?
I’ve been using Steam for damn near 8 years and I think I’ve looked at sale pages…
Fuck cancer.
Parents: take about 5 fucking seconds and password protect your purchases on accounts to which your kids have access. My kids play Fortnite. If they want V-Bucks, they need too find me and I need to physically type in a password (which I change monthly) to approve it. If they want V-Bucks, they either pay me with…
“Name of the Wind was OK, but my goodness, the second book was so atrocious that during some of the middle parts I was just skipping whole pages.”
Except it won’t mean less micro transactions. It will mean games get more expensive, and the micros probably get more expensive too.
Oh my God just let us transfer our saves to the same sd card we’re already installing games in. That subscription might not be much money compared to others, but it’s got very few features so it makes sense. I don’t know if I even want to bother, so I’d love some way to continue my games if I ever get a new switch.
It’s obvious they basically stopped development of content for this after the loot box fiasco. Perks of not offering a season pass are they don’t have any content they pre-promised
I’m okay with everything Nintendo announced with their new system except the fact you have to pay to back up your saves. Do you lose access if you let your account lapse?
PS4 also lets you back up save files on any old usb drive... When online backups are the ONLY way to back up save files, that’s where the issue is.
That is true, but paying 20$ for the only way to backup save games is disgusting.
This is not about the value of XBOX LIVE OR PSN or Nintendo’s interent service.
This is about locking the ONLY way to back up saves, behind a paywall.
Wait, will cloud saves be behind the pay wall? If so, that is lame. I will not be paying for Nintendo’s online service. I understand that Playstation and Xbox have cloud saves behind a pay wall too, but they also let you back up your saves using numerous other methods.
Locking the only way to backup saves behind a pay…
This ruined it for me. Zero emotiomal depth to scene because you know none of it will stick. Soon as T’Challa and Parker were gone. It was like well none of this matters I guess since it’s going to be guaranteed flipped in part two. If it were older heroes like Cap and Stark there might be more credulity to the scene.…
Ketchup+Vodka. Right?
Firewatch 3 confirmed!