As many have noted, remember all the cynicism when Heath Ledger was announced as the Joker? Affleck could very well be amazing. This is still hilarious, though.
As many have noted, remember all the cynicism when Heath Ledger was announced as the Joker? Affleck could very well be amazing. This is still hilarious, though.
go play shim megami tensei for a mature pokemon.
I've actually ended up using the dubstep gun almost exclusively. The key is to buy the 'explosive wubs' upgrade, which basically makes it into an automatic ammo-regenerating rocket launcher. Couple that with even a couple levels of the charge capacity and damage upgrades and the 'Industrial' custom skin (its song…
Wow I wasn't expecting to find something that I mostly agree'd with.
No, piracy happens when people feel they have the right to possess something they were unwilling or unable to pay for.
It is the NSMB of Zelda games...
I'm really looking forward to this one.
But there is just something about how it looks that I don't quite like. I get that they wanted to stay true to the looks of the AttP.... but I don't know, I just feel like they could have given the new game a bit more personality. Play with colors and 3D models to have the same…
please dont make god of war 4...
You know what's really magical? Grown men who are into a show designed for pre-teen girls.
"The uploader has not made this video available in your country"
For me it's dead from FFX forward. FFX was the last good one, imo.
World War 2 was decades ago. Most of the people involved in that are very old, or already dead. I'm not saying we should forget about all that, but the hatchet has to be buried someday.
Haha Fish behaved exactly as expected: he throws a tantrum like a 5-year-old because someone made fun of him. How sad that he thinks by canceling a game he's making a statement to the games industry. Both of these guys are asses, but Fish, as always, has come out as the top ass in this situation.
Goodbye Phil Fish. I liked your game, but you are a pretentious, toxic, hipster piece of work. Take a cruise around the world, talk to random people in some exotic countries, make something that does not involve your ego masturbation. And most of all - fix your fucking attitude, dude.
Then you can get back you got a…
The only way to really suck at Dark Souls is simply to be impatient. Very little actual mechanical skill is involved in beating the game or most of the bosses. The same combat tactics are used pretty much throughout the game from start to finish, at least with the 3 or 4 classes I beat the game with and no matter…
This was a list of "20 Things You Might Not Know", not "20 Things You Should be Impressed By". Your cyncism isn't really necessary.
Nope. It's like Shank with rabbits, bears and dogs ~~.