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    It’s not comedy. It’s what I expect to happen based on their most recent game.

    Expect their first game by 2028. It’s basically going to release in an early access state by they won’t tell and you will charge $60 for it. So remember to wait a year and get the actual 1.0 game for like half the price

    Haha yeah that was really weird.

    Well you can look at it like that.
    But I think in the end it might boost sales. I think the concept of a coop only game (as opposed to a coop focused game) can scare away people (since the purchase would be basically worthless unless you can convince a friend to spend $30). But giving the option to play online with a

    This is so consumer friendly I had to double check if it was really published by EA

    hahah, makes me remember my senior year of High school. My friend had this game called “playman Summer games” on his Motorola Razr (hey, remember when that one was in all the movies before the IPhone?) and a bunch of us would spend half of the time just passing along the phone competing and beating each others


    Yes it’s pretty cool.
    But, if I can be honest, I’d rather get decent sales over this.

    Yes. Sequels are cool

    -Yeah because announcing new games that aren’t ports equals to “earth shattering announcements”.
    - Yes I owned a WiiU and regardless of I did or didn’t, the way Nintendo is re releasing these old games at full price is disappointing. If EA was like “yeah, we’ll release Battlefield 3 on Ps4... but it’s the Ps3 version

    Not surprising. It’s kinda hard to compete with a price of $o

    Let’s see.
    Last year I played:
    - Gravity Rush 2
    - Nioh (later came to PC)
    - Persona 5
    - Horizon Zero Dawn
    - Yakuza 0
    - Yakuza Kiwami
    - Nier: Automata (Console exclusive, also on PC)
    - Uncharted: The lost legacy

    I get a new system mainly to play new games.

    I don’t mind older games getting a re release but they shouldn’t be the main focus of the system as 2018 is shaping up to be for the Switch.
    As I said to someone else, it should be “here’s 4-5 new games and 1-2 ports” instead of “here’s 7 ports and 1 new game”.

    I also think

    I don’t mind ports either.
    I mind the fact that it’s march already and we just had a 30 minutes presentation that consisted almost entirely of ports.

    I have no problem with the ports either. I think it’s cool that more people are given a chance to play these games. I’m actually hoping they port over Wonderful 101 at some point.

    My problem is that the port to original game ratio is a joke right now. We just saw a 30 minutes long Direct and literally 90% of it was

    Hahaha good one

    So a port, a port, a port, another port, a port of an older game and some other port. All of them are probably also going to be more expensive than on other plarforms that have consistent and appealing sales.

    Oh...cool...another 4 years WiiU port of a game I already own...that I can buy for $60.

    “If you don’t want to support this big corporation for doing evil big corporation stuff we have a list of other big corporations that you can support instead”

    I’ve been thinking of picking up this game now since it seem to be have gotten a bunch of improvements over time and is fairly cheap now.

    But what would be the most active platform?
    I have both a Ps4 Pro and a PC.

    PC obviously seems better because of 60FPS but if the community is notoriously more active on Ps4 I’d have