Rex the Wonder Dog

Nothing precludes that. Supergirl has been pretty good at mixing human and alien threats. Maxwell Lord as the human threat and the Kryptonians as the alien threat in season one. Cadmus as the humans and the Daxamites as the aliens in season two. Maybe Intergang shows up in season three. They did mention that John

I am saying Max and Alex were never ever going to be a romantic couple. They had sort of a flirty thing going on until Alex found out that Max was trying to kill her sister. But once that came out that was the end of that. There is much more attraction between Kara and Lena than there was between Alex and Max even

No, I meant the Gotham TV series. Rene Montoya and Barbara Kean were quite the item for a while. Then Montoya vanished without a trace
after the first few episodes of season one.

No, I meant the Gotham TV series. Rene Montoya vanished without a trace after the first few episodes of season one. She and Barbara Kean were quite the item for a while.

Well, being a small town in Kansas I suspect even Italians faced discrimination. Disclosure, I am part Sicilian and have dark skin too. I recall one time when I was a kid going with my uncle to buy a car. And the salesman told my uncle he should buy the car from him because he was the only one that used to sell cars

Where was it ever said on the show that Maggie was a Latina? I mean why is her name even Sawyer? Shouldn't it have been Martinez, Diaz, Gallegos or something like that?

With the closing scene I'm pretty sure that is Reign in the pod and aliens will continue to be the big threat.

Starting with James last season. At least Winn was invited by Alex.

She's in the new Roseanne series. But as not Becky.

Toyman had a whole episode devoted to him already. What more can they do with him? That's basically the same amount Toyman got on Lois & Clark and on Smallville.

A woman with ridges on her nose will make a man forget all about a woman who merely can fly and shoot laser beams out of her eyes.

Even on Major Crimes Tao is sort of the computer geek.

Downside is it will run on NBC and get cancelled after 5 episode.

Speaking of Gotham, what-ever became of DC's other most prominent lesbian cop, Rene Montoya?

National City is an ocean side city because there was a scene where Supergirl tries to move an oil tanker away from a fire and one where she diverts a missile into the water. And it is in a warm climate because other scenes in the first season had shown palm trees.
Also it was said the population is 8 million.
So I'm

Was this the same Alex that slammed Max's head into a table and tossed him in a DEO prison cell intending for Max to spend the rest of his life there. Or are we talking about a different Alex?

They must not have aired those scenes where I live. All I ever saw was them exchanging saliva.

And it affects his eyesight so he has to start wearing glasses.

Maybe Supergirl will come over and inhale all of it. Or it turns out to be inert because somebody substituted a key ingredient.

Seemed that way to me too.