The twist was he gets someone he loves killed by screwing with the timeline. I'm not kidding, that is actually what happened.
The twist was he gets someone he loves killed by screwing with the timeline. I'm not kidding, that is actually what happened.
Back in the 1950s/1960s a typical season had 30 episodes. As recently as 10 years ago most had 24 episodes.
Curious as to who Rao's son was on Krypton. Was he also called Jesus or did he have a more Kryptonese name? Jes-Us maybe?
Well Diana Prince did sing in one of the Wonder Woman episodes. So it's not without precedence.
I'm looking forward to a musical episode of Criminal Minds.
Still no word on who plays the villain though.
Kind of weird no mention at all of L-Corp being Lord Technologies biggest rival. It would be like having Toyota and Ford factories in the same city and no mention of Ford.
People just needed to let the season play out. As of episode three we now have two WOC on the show as well as two MOC.
A black man being her DEO boss/mentor/father figure already isn't sufficient?
In retrospect you all jumped the gun too soon, as we now have two women of color on the show. Maggie Sawyer and Miss Martian.
She was on Smallville too, but went by the name Tess Mercer until it was revealed her name was actually Lena Luthor.
Well, there is Miss Martian and Maggie Sawyer so it's not all snowflakes and vanilla ice cream.
I doubt Marvel could pull off making movies. All their TV shows are dark and gloomy. And some of their characters don't even want to be a superhero. Just depressed, self loathing, and filled with angst. No one wants to see a superhero movie like that.
The Xena: Warrior Princess musical episode was also very good and they didn't even need a magical being to make it happen. Xena and Gabrielle just happened to visit a village that was into music. So it seemed very natural.
It was hard enough to bring Supergirl over. That's why there were such long absences.
Even Ollie couldn't resist smiling when given a group hug by Kara and Barry.
Didn't last though. The Flash and Arrow both had the same ratings this week as they did the week before. Just like happened last year when The Flash visited Supergirl.
Who doesn't love lesbians? Even straight men love lesbians.
Agreed. Smallville had Lionel Luthor, Lex's father, as a major character in the first several season. As Supergirl is female centric, it makes sense we would get the mother this time. Just as with Superman movies focusing on Jor-El while Supergirl focused on Alura.
The producers claim they also auditioned white actors for the role of James but went with Mehcad Brooks because he was the better actor.
That race had nothing to do with casting him.