Or a bouncer in a strip club.
Or a bouncer in a strip club.
Maybe Kara Danver's address is listed in the phone book.
Maybe they were never completely cured of Myriad.
Yes, Melissa Benoist is 5'8", which is taller than average for a woman.
And Melissa Benoist is 5'8", taller than the average woman. Which may contribute to Jeremy Jordan looking short standing next to her and so seeming to be short in general.
But for fans of comic books it looked great. I was surprised just how true she looked. They captured the look perfectly. Kudos to the make up artists.
So a lower budget TV show looked like something from a $250 million dollar movie?
I feel any complaints about Silver Banshee were from people who haven't read the comic books. Because she looked exactly like she does in the comic books.
It didn't show what Superman did with it though. Assuming he didn't destroy it and keeps it somewhere safe, if the need ever arose he could give the DEO some of it back.
Reflex action. Just like Superman used to duck when the criminal threw the gun at him after running out of bullets. No matter how strong you are, there is a tendency to get out of the way when someone throws something at your head.
It's like when Non kidnapped J'onn and when his telepath couldn't read J'onn's mind, Non killed the telepath. And J'onn sarcastically commented on how we are the savages compared to Kryptonians.
I also that now the Geoff Johns is the Chief Creative Officer of Warner Bros. he may be more inclined to allow more cross-overs.
I've heard Fox has exclusive rights the the Bat characters, so probably no Batgirl or Nightwing showing up on any CW show.
Nah, Will Smith was great in Suicide Squad. Margot Robbie and Viola Davis too. It's Snyder that messes the characters up. In the hands of a more competent director Henry Cavill would have been better and Eisenberg would have been reined in.
When Cat Grant pulled out Kara's resume, it said Kara had a Bachelors of Arts in Marketing. Which was Kara first choice for her new job.
Let's give him a chance. This is the first time we have seen him. A lot of people thought Cat Grant was just a Devil Wears Prada knock-off. But she developed into much more than that.
National City seems sunny and bright, even at night, and full of happy, well off people. I don't think I saw a poor person once on the show. But it does have good pizza.
They fought and he threw Indigo into a shed that exploded into a huge fire ball. He thought he had destroyed her and was walking away. But she reformed and as the scene went on she caught him by surprise and skewered him Terminator 1000 style. The scene in the clip was just after Indigo reformed and Hank was waking…
It's great that Cat has the hots for Clark in this version too.
It was the red lights on Indigo's forehead that were glowing.