
You don't really need all the boxes - I have cable internet and local channels (including HD!) are free. Not free, they cost like $11 or something, but you get a $11 discount on the internet. The local channels give us sports, everything else we can see right through the smart tv - it has apps for Netflix, Hulu+,

Pretty tame by crazy people standards. He was just really drunk. He was friendly at least. Some people call and swear at you if you won't play along with their delusional fantasies. Sometimes interesting calls make it to the news, but in reality that call taker has taken much more bizarre calls from much crazier

Wow, super half baked Google. I was excited when I saw this, but when I read Google's blog post I realized this does me no good. It should be easy for them to integrate with pictures.sprintpcs.com - you can send and receive MMS there. Google can't get APIs to make a mobile version of that? At least for us Sprint

I have tried Postagram on Android and it does the same thing. I believe it is out for iPhone also. $0.99 to send a postcard with a message and a picture anywhere in the world. Although does iCard look more customizable.

Damn you accu-weather! I usually turn to your site for my weather reports but I want blizzards! Here's to hoping accu-weather is wrong and we get blizzards in the greater Boston area (and c'mon gizmodo, you loved the snow last year in New York and I loved the photos you posted, tilt shift ftw).

To take what you said even further - I canceled cable (~$80/month) in favor of streaming video. I pay for Hulu +, and Netflix. Those total about $20/month. The way I see it that leaves me $60 to pay for streaming content. I usually buy shows from Amazon Video on Demand, but if they don't have it I try Blockbuster.

I have one DVD at at time and we often have two streams, one at home (wife) one at work (me). Never had a problem. I would be more annoyed by them blocking this than the price hike (I wasn't very annoyed about the price hike, still the best deal in streaming video online).

This actually looks pretty cool, and I bet the beer is much better than people are giving them credit for. If you search for the brewery it looks like mostly what they do is let local home brewers come brew a batch for them. All the beers are very flavorful beers - none are light lagers. Light lagers are very

I just Googled it as well and got the same results as you. Lady Gaga got 3rd and 4th results.

Don't girls do this quite often? It it was bigger and the black was opaque it should work.

Can you add in the best feature from the last redesign? I loved the left and right arrows to move through the stories.

[www.youtube.com] Why can't I type in the comment box? I had to copy and paste this in. Anyway, good beer opening video.

I split my time between Sense and Cyanogen. Honestly, not a huge difference. The phone boots in half the time with Sense, and I use launcher pro plus as the launcher either way. The new Sense (2.1 or 3.0) allows some cool customization for non root customers such as launch-able icons on the lock screen and themed

The 2.3 update (gingerbread) makes the trackball not needed. When you click in text there is not a little tab that pops up and allows you to easily put the cursor between any letters you want. This feature made a huge difference on my EVO which has not trackball.

This is very sad. I support the troops and feel that they deserve AC, but 1000 deaths for it? If it were me I would rather see those people come home,al though the heat there sounds terrible.

I don't understand this attack, it would have been more impressive if they had put if the ASCII thing they did before, but just doing a DDOS attack doesn't really get them into any system. All it does is make the CIA angry.

Tough ass-meat. That's great.

I like this. I tried it from the English Wikipedia main page (first click was science fiction comedy) and it lined up with yours at Mathematics. If you keep going after Philosophy it just loops.

I think this video is fake. Watch it again, it appears to be stop motion.