
This is good, but you can do it if you install the dropbox application on your computer. I would love to see drag and drop uploads into the browser like gmail has with chrome. All my computers have the application, but at work and school they don't.

I can't wait to try the shoe horned version not meant for my phone, and I don't know why Google wouldn't want me to. Anyone who has the knowledge to shoe horn and flash ROMs will know that honeycombs is not meant for phones, and would be able to easily revert if they don't like the UI.

Ok, first post under the new Gizmodo layout and I have no idea how to attach a photo I just took. So I substituted one from a Google search. Note top left, same problem as the one in the article.

Ok, first post under the new Gizmodo layout and I have no idea how to attach a photo I just took. So I substituted one from a Google search. Note top left, same problem as the one in the article.

@jurrasix: I got rid of Comcast in favor of streaming. I subscribed to Netflix, and Hulu plus, and now have WAY more "free" content then Comcast on-demand. If there is a TV show that is not on those networks that I want to watch I buy the episodes from Amazon Video on Demand. Buying an episode is $1.99 for SD or

Eh, I have this. Best key chain knife I have ever used. Very solid construction, the knife blade is short, but very strong, so it is actually usefully in many situations. It also has what the above multi-tool lacks, a beer opener. I also got it for $9.99 on sale at an outdoor store. It is the Buck Transport.

Lots of these in Boston along Soldiers Field Rd / Storrow Dr. Here is one from Google Maps.

Comcast: All your services suck. Your TV is overpriced. My wife and I want to watch about 10 different channels. We paid $80 per month and still didn't get all of those channels. I cut back to limited basic cable (local channels only, my apartment won't allow an antenna) and kept cable internet. Now we have

Really cool! Take a look at the needle like building seen on the horizon. I want to go to the bar in the window! And I can't believe that it zooms enough to see the bottles behind the bar!

I wish they could take a decent compact camera like my Canon SD 750, make it a inch or so longer and give it enough power to run a new version of android. This camera is thicker than a phone, but easy to carry in my pocket. It also takes nice phone, even though it is only 7.1 mega pixels.

I think the Verizon stores tell people to install Advanced Task Killer. At least they told a few of my friends that. I don't understand why. Also, many of the custom ROMs have tweaked the built in task killer that Android uses to kill non-essential process earlier and they do show an improvement. Androids memory

My wife is form Slovakia, a former communist county. When the communist party was in power they were self sufficient - a much higher amount of the land was used for food, crops and animals. Now a huge percentage of those food producing fields just grow grass. The government pays people to cut the fields just so it

@SEDAGIVE?!: This should already be there. I have an air rave and I don't like the idea that other people in my apartment building could be sucking up bandwidth that I am paying for and using my device. My phone has wifi and more processing power than the air rave, it should route the calls the same way the airrave

I remember another android device that was going to be on every major carrier, the nexus one. I fully expect the same thing will happen with this.

Guess my cat's name... Or don't, image upload not working. The SSID is "Macka the Bad Cat."

I won't miss Blockbuster. It has been gone from my area for about a year. Maybe a bit less. I switched to netflix and wouldn't switch back if one moved in next door. The 80s movies that you are looking for, remember this - they get rid of movies that haven't been rented in 6 months from the store. Sure there is

Very nice article. I do like beer from the can, but have not found much of the high end beer in cans. I love the light blocking and stackability of the cans, but selection sucks and I still poor it into a glass. Drinking from the can ruins half the experience. I need to be able to see the color, head lacing, etc,

I use the free app Overclock widget. It does all I need there is a kernel does the profiles, but I want the phone to be fast all the time. I use a kernel that is overclocked and undervolted to be both faster and more efficient, in addition to a custom ROM that has more aggressive memory management. My hero is

@iPolak: Did you go through Heathrow? My experience with them is that is doesn't matter which airline it is, that airport will send your luggage to the wrong country. I flew with my wife and friend through there and our showed up a couple days late, and they didn't tell us where it had been. My friends luggage was

Wikipedia and Google (Google as it is now with all the extra services). Everything is just so much easier now.