Fay Apple

Poor Poland. Did you ever see that crazy Oliver Stone documentary about the so called secret history of the US since WWII where he argued that the USSR totally had the right to just completely control Poland since it was the corridor the Germans used to invade them twice? Good times.

So Wikipedia is awesome and it turns out the Vikings and Muslims of Al-Andalus totally did interact! After setting up a base in the mouth of the Loire in the 840s the Vikings raided northern Spain, which was controlled by a separate Christian kingdom (the Muslims never could really get past the Pyrenees). The

I have to say, when studying history I've never cared the slightest about how one culture treated their enemies. Newsflash, everyone treats the people they are at war with like shit. Otherwise they wouldn't be fighting. I don't really care if one culture enjoyed the bloodshed more than the other or had more creative

Hello Adele, aside from the obvious frustrations I've enjoyed your commitment to rational discussion. I was wondering if you would consider a tangent thought experiment with me (I would ask Foxfire but they don't read what I write and then they get mad at their own imagination and take it out on me).

Okay, this is going to sound a little forced, but I sincerely laughed out loud about that. A+.

Um okay, I'm not sure how to respond to this. I will apologize that my previous post was too long. I did get a little carried away. However, you admitted you read almost none of what I wrote. I read everything you wrote and if we are to have a real discussion it would be nice if you could extend the same courtesy.

So this discussion took an interesting turn. I thought I was reading an interesting historical debate, complete with sources (neat blog Adele Quested!), but apparently bringing up historical facts about atrocities committed by ancient peoples that happened to be Christian means you have an irrational hatred of

We all lost our imaginary boyfriend. I think this might be partly my fault for getting emotionally attached to the pretty boys. I used to have a boy in every port, and sometimes more than one, but they keep getting picked off. I should have learned my lesson when my beautiful Owen was taken but I thought at least I'll

I'm not sure what everyone is so sad about around here. Did your TV cut off early? Mine showed that Richard got up from the sand, went to the hospital, got patched up (it was just a little flesh wound), got on a train, went to see his sister and wife and kid, and lived happily ever after in Wisconsin. I mean sure,

The Onyx Club has been bothering me all season and I don't quite know why. Objectively it is terribly beautiful and well decorated. I just really miss Babette's. I even looked over some pictures and noticed that while Babette's had a lot of red against a blue/green background, it wasn't as over-saturated as I thought.

I agree that the lived in look and distressed aspects of the sets is wonderful set decoration and adds to the intricate beauty. I love vivid colors on television but everything on Boardwalk is so beautiful and authentic that it more than makes up for that loss.

Color Story Corner:

Also I need to talk about the color story this season because it has me obsessed from the season premiere. We started in winter so everything was black and white and grey and brown with a little navy and stark and cold. I thought that was just the premiere and the time of year and I eagerly awaited the arrival of

I know this is an unpopular/heretical opinion but I have always considered Boardwalk Empire as one of the all-time greatest dramas, just below Deadwood (it may be because I’m a total slut for costume drama period pieces and these two shows were made basically just for me). I enjoy it the most of anything I watch all