
“Aggressively so”? Really? I’ve said I would definitely vote for Bernie if he’s the nominee, I live in an inconsequential state (because nobody gives a shit what the most populous state in the nation thinks), but I marginally prefer Hillary because of her foreign policy background. I feel like I’m like, sort of okay,

Vote for who you want in the primary, I’m not arguing that, but if Hillary wins the primary and you don’t vote for her, you are giving a vote to the Republican candidate. Are you willing to let the Republicans strip away rights from women and minorities because of the principle that Hillary is not as left as Bernie?

That would be great but Gawker/Jezebel has hardly been fair. Every story of Clinton has been how this old feminist is out of touch in post feminist world. Women are not unique, they have 100% rights and a male ally is just the same if not better to represent women’s issues than a decrepit old feminist. Especially

Maybe she appears contrived because she has to work 100% harder on her image than a male candidate would. You think a woman could get away with messy hair and have it be something people love about her? She was blasted in the media recently for “shouting,” something every other male candidate has done and has gotten