
Why spend that on a new one?  A much more affordable used model still gets you from point A to point G.

Hey!  Don't compare anyone else to the terrible Europeans.  This was Europeans doing this...as noted, could have been some early sexual bias involved or bullying or any number of other things the white Europeans are prone to... don't muddy the waters bringing up similar behaviors elsewhere.

Frankly, the Disney Channel is more disturbing to me in the commodification of everything and the treatment of adult/parental authority.  At least YouTube doesn't portray itself falsely.

Some things are simple common courtesy and etiquette. As we perform less and less of these type actions does the world seem to be growing closer and friendlier?

...because it’s common sense

They're using Obama's count.

Have you ever read about the genocide the Iroquois committed against other tribes and the attempts by the Sioux and the Ojibwa to wipe out competing tribes? Yep, we did terrible things to native Americans just as they did terrible things to each other. Similar to what other Europeans did to each other, the Turks did,

Yes, they were human and products of their time...as we will be to future generations.  They did want to make money but that does not preclude them having any pure motives.

How is it fake outrage?

True or not the use in crowd control is a good reminder of the Chinese regime’s approach to people. Hand held laser rifles to control demonstrators.

They didn't publish my comment regarding seed release and the comment from crouching tiger???  It was very complimentary.

AAmen on both observation s.

You realize that the AIDS virus loves a good ✊ fu_k.

Best place ever to work to avoid chapped hands? Italian restaurant.

What ever happened to those 'endless' cloth towel roll type.  They always seemed so sanitary...mmmmmm...

I sometimes wash the handle before I wash my hands so I'm turning off at least a semi clean handle.

I will say that when I managed a restaurant I noticed our food prep guys not washing their hands.  They were Salvadorian and Mexican, pretty much grade school education...great workers for the most part...but they just sort of stared at me.  I had to explain germs/basic sanitation to them.  Once they got it they were

Really?!  In my apartment complex everyone just said it was Afghani food from the guy down the hall.  :(

Not supposed to use towel unless it's paper per posting from health Dept. In Virginia.

Crouching Tiger's profile pic just induced me to release my seed 😍