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    Louie CK is a self-hating cuck, different strokes for different folks. All I'm saying is that I agree with Jerry Seinfeld. People are now afraid to poke fun at anyone anymore. As a white female (who isn't straight) I can say that it's bs.

    Yeah, 1996… I know that feeling. The 00's kids were just coming in when I graduated.

    Neither was created in the 2010's, numbnuts. Go look at how Tumblr reacts to new episodes of Always Sunny.

    Hi guilty white cuck :^)

    Right, Seinfeld was just a great show and I know that him and the writers truly knew what they were talking about when it comes to topics like that.

    He's right tho. I'm about to be a college freshman and it's all about staying PC. White people are so scared to say anything due to being guilt-taught all through high school. Seinfeld (the show) would never work in today's society.