
Not only that, but it doesn’t seem like she exhausted her options. There was literally no way she could pump and leave a supply with the sitter she clearly can afford to hire and bring to a conference with her? This is clearly an educated, well off woman that actually HAS options other than bringing her child with

Exactly. I agree that the childcare situation in this country is sad and we need better options for working-class women. I even agree that employers should be flexible about children in the workplace in emergency situations.

Basically, this. This piece reeks of entitlement. How many people were at this conference? Do all of them, or some of them, or even two of them have to be more uncomfortable because of your child?

For me it comes down to one point: Did the author specifically ask whether she could bring the baby? If she did, then sentencing her to a breastfeeding room without warning is a jerk move on the part of the organizer, no question.