
Obama is a good speaker, but a terrible President. The words are not only not supported by his actions; they are directly contradicted. He has been worse on civil liberties than Bush. He has killed American citizens, including a sixteen year old boy, without due process in targeted drone strikes. He has persecuted

Thank you! This is the most important takeaway from this whole thing. Guys, make sure you don’t invoke anything GoodOlFashionedLoveSong doesn’t believe in! You have done a good thing here by mocking the belief system held by each and every one of the victims of this tragedy.

I’m curious how other people’s belief in god affects your ability to fight against racism.

This isn’t about you.

Good. Because I was just thinking “how will this decision affect Lena Dunham?”.

Lena Dunham, the perfect candidate to make gay marriage about herself.

Agreed. Since when is saying “I didn’t do the thing I’m accused of doing” somehow defamatory?

Since he apparently didn’t, what’s your point?

LOL @ Rose McGowan. The woman’s made her career (such as it was) out of having breasts and being marginally talented. Now that she’s not a kid anymore, suddenly she’s concerned.

Man, gardens are like therapeutic and shit. Besides, everyone’s got hobbies. Gardening, skee shooting, model airplanes, murdering hookers, parasailing...

If he makes the times, he should be there. If he doesn’t, he shouldn’t. It’s that simple.

Well, Arabelle has a Rihanna song on her website (uncredited, of course) - so there’s that...

Ignore the hater-haters. You’re right, growing “most of our own veggies” is a huge time suck, not to mention that you first have to own or rent land to grow veggies on, which then needs to be made into beds where veggies can grow - that means wood for beds, or tilling, or even just hauling home enough cardboard to

Im curious to hear her opinion on hip hop sampling.

What does your “doctorate” in “therapeautic manipulation of truck drivers’ penises” have to do with the topic? Said topic being, of course, the fact that growing kale in the alley next to the dumpster where that homeless guy died last winter is a ridiculous, pointless pursuit?


That's not stolen. It's hardly even sampled or appropriated. And it's not as off putting as the original although both versions are no good.

Kewl hair to show everyone how creative, original, and independent you are!

No, I’m actually just smart enough to know that some sandal-wearing, patchouli-smelling imbecile with a few yards of kale growing next to her hovel isn’t actually going to accomplish a a thing besides letting her engage in philosophical masturbation and self-congratulation.