
How is growing your own food pissing away your time?

Ah, the open-minded tolerance of the progressive mind.

I get that you enjoy pretending to be something you’re not, and that’s fine, but it’s unnecessary.

Your homophobia manifested itself in griping about things being flaming.

What does your “doctorate” in “therapeautic manipulation of truck drivers’ penises” have to do with the topic? Said topic being, of course, the fact that growing kale in the alley next to the dumpster where that homeless guy died last winter is a ridiculous, pointless pursuit?

Nah. Jezzie types tend to want other people to give them the fruits of their labor for free, but shit themselves when they believe they’re the ones being mistreated.

People who attack a person for growing a garden tend to be worthless, flaming sacks of shit.

Make fun all you want...

And your comment about Tizzy Rizzy is therefore irrelevant.

I have chickens and a garden so I am literally the worst.


am I still uncivilized and a hipster dipshit for choosing tocontinue growing some of my own food once I’m making 75-100K a year?

Hey buddy - so after I finish my Doctorate in Physical Therapy

Victory gardens were things during WWI and WWII because the war effort affected the food supply.

So much anger. You poor thing.

I did read what you said.

No, I’m actually just smart enough to know that some sandal-wearing, patchouli-smelling imbecile with a few yards of kale growing next to her hovel isn’t actually going to accomplish a a thing besides letting her engage in philosophical masturbation and self-congratulation.

You’re like the victim of a violent spouse. You’re so beaten down by your poverty you don’t realize that most of us don’t have to resort to that kind of sad, desperate measure.

Yeah, fuck people who give a shit! Burn all the fossil fuels! Pollute all the water!

I might be a bitter, mean curmudgeon (do people still say that? How fucking old are you?), but I never “make shit up.”