
@metronome49: That was an easy heart. We are on the same page.

@Scott Bradley Hancock: I agree to an extent. I more talking about the people who simply make a playlist and use the auto-mix feature. There is absolutely no skill involved, and you could train a monkey to do it. Furthermore its not even a clean transition when done that way. Train wreck after train wreck.

I can only hope this inspires people to become real DJ's. However I also hope this does not inspire people to think because of this they are DJ's. I have seen to many people at bars and the like that sit behind a computer with a program like this that does all the work for them and have the audacity to give themselves

@crazypills77: That would probably be the only thing that would ever make me consider getting one. But if something as dumb as this costs $20 then serato would deffinitely be hundreds.

@Gimmeslack: Basically 4G is the next thing companies want customers to associate as "the best" while knowing nothing about it. Things like 5,000,000:1 contrast ratio, and 15 MP camera phones are other great examples. Do these things mean they are the best, or descibe any useful feature of the product? No, not really,

@DJEsch: If it's not because of Jersey, the South still holds true.

Dont clone to many of them...

@takkun1946: Ask Kathy Griffin, I have never even so much as smirked from one of her "jokes" but people keep telling me she is a comedian.

Stay classy TSA.

@tomsomething: Do the two D's represent a "Double Dose" as they do in the word Upgrayedd?

Whats worse, this, or doing it to yourself...?

@wanderingrabbi: Yeah I just wish some of the already existent phones with a front camera were available on Verizon. But I did pick up a Galaxy Tab so a phone has fallen alot lower on my list now.

A valiant effort Mr. Jobs, but alas Ping is an absolute joke.

@wanderingrabbi: They have other selling points beyond the LTE capability. For instance the front facing camera will most definitely by present on them. That's only one example, and one other people may not care about but will benefit me.

Now all the dead people can check their Facebook pages for R.I.P messages to make them feel better about being dead?

I hope they don't tack on an extra $10 charge to LTE capable phones like Sprint did. I am not in an area that will support it, so why should I pay for it?

By the time this reaches the surface of Mars, the cameras they will have developed will be much better. That must be frustrating.

@jmd1513: I knew I should have made my original post more clear about how I really feel rather then leaving a quick comment generalizing it. If I had, it would look similar to yours.

@higherspeed: I wish I had a good answer for who gets to draw the line. But there are to many things I don't think should be left to one person to decide, this being one. I agree our views may not differ greatly, I would be interested to see where this conversation would go if we were in person talking. Seems like

@RJL991: Wow I just hearted you for disagreeing with me. I like your method of explaining your point of view rather then just telling my why I wrong and you are right. You need a star.