
Because she lied and said she didn’t retweet it.

Hello. I’m not American. Can someone tell me why America thought it was a good idea to make a functionally illiterate man with severe personality disorders the President of the United States of America?

Harris seems great; Booker should be kept as far away as possible.

if he thinks being president is hard on him, he should see what its doing to us.

She’s my senator and I’d like to see her run for President in four or eight years. Whip smart, rational and practical, compassionate- I truly believe she could peel off five percent of the Trump vote while unifying both moderate and liberal Democrats.

The article felt kind of Shakespearean- dude wants nothing more than love and respect, so much so he runs for President thinking that it’ll be the sure-fire way he’ll get love and respect. But upon becoming President, he finds himself neither loved or respected and is instead mainly alone, by himself, watching Cable

Jesus I’m so fucking tired of people making that “Zodiac Killer” noise about Senator Cruz. Have some fucking respect, assclown.

Also, Pop has made me a Spurs fan simply because I like rooting for him. (And I grew up hating the Spurs.)

I think where white people get mixed up is what they’re supposed to FEEL about their privilege. They (we) too often assume it’s guilt or remorse that’s required. When, in reality, it’s kindness and civility and fairness. And most importantly sometimes, it requires outrage for a plight that’s not your own.


Been hit by car, can confirm that the future is worse.

IE still had 50% market share a year ago??

Trump supporters have been interviewed about why they were voting for him.

South Korea’s chaebol system is fascinating. Roughly 60 years ago, South Korea was behind Haiti on a list of the world’s most impoverished nations, and it is now the 13th largest economy in the world. Pretty impressive for a small, mountainous country with relatively little arable land and sparse natural resources.

You know, it’s not the golden shower that bothered me that much, it was the detailed reports of literally every member of Trump’s inner circle meeting at one time or another with Russian intelligence officials.

“So let’s talk about the time you investigated the corrupt Blatter.”
“Actually, if you read the report, it wasn’t corruption. He actually paid them to do that.”

Pissin Impossible

Just a test for the switch over after the inauguration.