
So what’s Jalopnik’s stance on street racing. Cool now?

I don’t know who came first but when I see one of these generations of Caddies all I can see is a fargin Chevy Buick Pontiac ... this gen body was a dull and uninspired design and not much differentiates it visually from it’s badge engineered GM brethren. I’ll give the owner props on keeping this specific car very

What engine? The 3.0L Vulcan engines are deadnuts reliable and are tolerant to some of the most horrific negligence. I had a ‘92 as my first car, I beat on it while I perfected the art of the 15,000 mile oil change, I even once drove it 40 miles without coolant, in the summer, when the side tanks on the radiator both

My 97 Taurus gave great service from new. I sold it to my dad at 60,000 miles and he drove it to 130,000, then it went to my sister until she finally got rid of it after 180,000 miles. No major mechanical problems along the way, but the interior got really ratty. Most of that was my sister’s fault however. 

Not need to fight you, it’s of course pointless, like all other vehicles that are beyond what you need.

The Raptor isn’t a “tuner boy racer”, it’s a Baja off-roader and it does it very well.

“there are no real automotive experts on the staff.” - You’ve got to be kidding me. Right now you’re communicating with a life-long Michiganite, an engineer that used to design cooling systems for work for Chrysler. A man who has forgone personal companionship, mental health, financial stability, and most modern

Well, I guess good for that far-right trumpster fighting off those carjackers? The far-left seem to be obsessed with crime and destruction. I’ve personally seen what Portland has become, not too thrilled about it.  Now they approve of carjacking? smh.

But did you know... the wipers on mid-late ‘60s Lincoln and Thunderbirds were powered off the power steering hydraulics?

The ‘94 Mustang. The first redesign after the 3rd gen Fox body era. The single mustang emblem on the grill, fender skirts, ducts and scoops, just looked so custom and beautiful to anything that was out at the time, save for the 1st Gen Viper.

Fuck you they should be lower. They need to address the actual polluters, the shipping industry. It accounts for more CO2 emissions in a month than all cars on the planet in a year


It was an aggressive and likely rabid bobcat, you do whatever you can. If you want to hammer throw that thing, go for it. 

As someone who programs AI systems, I do find this funny. We’re getting extremely good with image processing, and it’s actually amazing how far we have come in the past five years. (I admittedly don’t work in image processing, but I know people who do, so I’ll say they’re very smart people and just leave it at that.)

Whatever you do, don’t drive on roads. They weren’t made for that.

Do you think people of color are too stupid to get an ID card? IMO, calling voter ID requirements racist is racist. You’re assuming people of color can’t achieve the same thing as everyone else.

Voter ID laws aren’t racist though. There’s plenty of things that require you to have a form of ID that aren’t racist.

Can we just have fun car articles and not this political bullcrap. Some of us come here to escape all that and articles like these ruin my day because now one of the only escapes is just like the rest of media these days.

That V10 diesel Toureg will break the bank many times over before the Merc does.

Sigh. You guys don't really 'get' the Malaise Era, do you.