PERFECT assessment. 10/10
PERFECT assessment. 10/10
So....a solution? Sounds like you don’t want them to explore these cultural identifiers and the explorer-genre tropes. Should half the cast be fired and people you find “approved” be playing this game?
“This may seem like an overly cynical and bad-faith interpretation of what Critical Role is doing with this new campaign.”
I’ve heard great things about this game, and I’m excited to try it, but the whole “player two doesn’t use their own character or track progress” thing in co-op games drives me crazy. If my friends and I are all playing a game, that kills co-op a lot of times. It’s great if one person is playing and another wants to…
Thing is that is how a lot of human beings work and it’s really hard to prevent projected oriented task groups from winding up working that way. The deadline being far off at first makes you compromise working directly on the project for other things, the intermediate distance where it’s getting closer but not closer…
Putting 2+ year old games on PC, like HZD, would ideally hype people to buy a PS5 to keep up with the sequels. I don’t expect day one PC ports, but i do think they’re using it as an impetus to conversion.
The ROI on porting PS games to PC is too high. It wouldn’t make sense to stop porting them.
Don’t let Sony off the hook here. They want the exact same thing, and while Microsoft gets all the heat from gamers over what they almost did with the XB1, the far more spectacular failure to exert control was what Sony did with the PS3.
If it were in ranked matches, it would seriously call into question their matchmaking algorithm.
Bro, that’s just not true. Your perception of how much cheating there is, is absolutely into the realms of wild paranoia.
Is that too much to ask?
It’s called the narcissism of small differences, and it’s the reason why left-leaning people make up like 70% of the population, but always lose against the 30% fascists. They’d rather beat each other up than focus on the actual problem.
I find it interesting that Gawker tends to reserve the most criticism over representation to the media that actually makes the attempt. I mean, it’s fine and all if you think they can and should go further but shouldn’t we at least acknowledge when a game/movie/etc is making steps in the right direction? How many…
Frey can be seen traversing mountains at break-neck speeds as well as fashioning herself a floating skateboard to cross a river.
they only quip every so often, and most commonly when you’re dead.
That there’s no way to tell whether this was intentional or not makes it all the funnier!’re concerned with immersion in Halo? Literally every game is the same.
I had a really funny situation but I think it was unintentional. I had cleared out an entire base except for 1 enemy. I was running around looking for him and he yelled out “Stop looking. There’s no one here!” I laughed and thought it was super funny.
my favorite so far:
Grunt 1: Run for your lives!!!!