
I know what you mean about the Starbucks in Greenwich. I am not much of a Starbucks person (I’d almost always go to a different cafe) but one day I popped into the Waterstones you mentioned, bought an anthology of Edgar Allan Poe’s works, and then walked across the street to that Starbucks to read it. For some reason

Seriously. The three party system doesn’t work at the national level yet. If she gets the nomination just vote for her. We don’t need another Bush/Gore fiasco.

If Hillary is the Democratic nominee, people better vote for her. I don’t care if you disagree with some of her policies. We all do. But don’t not vote, or vote for a third party candidate in protest. That would pretty much guarantee a Republican victory, a two-term presidency, and Republican-appointed Supreme Court

If like me, you think she’s the best of a bad bargain, suck it up and vote for her. Thank you. We have a Supreme Court to think about.

Luckier than you think. I once found an engagement ring in a pile of bear scat. (don't ask why I dig through piles of bear scat)

Yup. And then they blame the lack of women in STEM fields on girls being less interested in science. Nope, we just learn very early one that our achievements are not valued and our presence is not appreciated.

Sounds like gaslighting a minority about how your microaggressions against them aren't actually microaggressions. But go on, you're making such a compelling case.

Telling atheists to get a grip and stop making this about their feelings and how nothing said could possibly be offensive just sounds like gaslighting to me.

And now, you're extrapolating crap all over the place to justify your misplaced anger. Get. A. Grip.

I think what a lot of people here are missing is the fact that most atheists (like myself) are VERY QUIET about it. Met an asshole atheist once? You remember that one, because it was the only atheist you've [knowingly] met. Most of us- the quiet, and respectful ones- are "in the closet" about it. Remember that

The article title reflects the contents of a study. The contents are not favorable to religious parents, and are to non-religious parents. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Where's the other side to see here?

It's not a matter of numbers, it's a matter of privilege. It's the same matter of privilege as we talk about all over this site. Everyone has privilege of some sort. I have white privilege. I have an education privilege. But I'm a woman and I'm an atheist. Those are not privileges in this country.

I'm pretty sure the article said atheists are raising kids who do the opposite of this, no?

perfect. this is where i get to go all fox news and say,

I guess I mostly feel like this comment is the equivalent of a "what about the men" comment (the OP's, not yours, I just would rather interact civilly with you). It's like yes, of course people should be respectful of one another. But I think the vast majority of atheists deal with substantial issues over their lack

right? 'stop calling me dumb' vs 'my religion literally dictates your life'

But that petty jab aside, seriously: I'm not one of those people who think anyone who is religious is dumb, or narrow-minded, or any such thing. Mad props. Even kinda jealz. I'd love for God to be something I could catch. It'd be like how I am with football: If only I could like it, I'm sure I would if nothing

I was raised in a non-religious house by parents who had very strict religious upbringings from different religious traditions. I remember actually having conversations about what they believed and why and what I believed in and why. I was actually encouraged to know what I believed and think about why I held that

The one thing he has right is that it takes a Constitutional Amendment to make these state laws legal. See, we've taken the defensive and let conservatives claim that judicial activists are taking power away from the people who passed laws against same-sex marriage when that simply isn't true.

The bit I replayed was when she's surrounded by that group of thugs near the Brawley house and she just makes the tiiiniest lunge towards the Head Thug ... and he reels back in disbelief. I had to watch that over and over.