Comparing it to torture? But they don't have any problems with torture.
You're trolling, right? There are people with master's degrees who can't get jobs. At fucking McDonald's! People are not underqualified, there aren't jobs because the economy was tanked by the kind of people you probably look up to.
I really, really, really wonder about this when people tell stories of being converted by "hearing god's voice" or "feeling His presence", especially in churches where they also speak in tongues. I'd be fascinated if they'd do an MRI study of people who do/can have religious experiences and those who don't/can't.
Well, I think that comes from being fairly fed up with what we have to deal with from a good and large portion of men. Women are expected to take up as little space as possible and to move aside for others. I don't think it's a conscious thing, but it is what happens. When walking down the street, 9 times out of 10 if…
I spent most of the appointment asking if I needed his permission to do things. "Put this gown on," was followed by, "Should I call my husband first?"
"Give me your arm so I can draw blood/take your blood pressure." Did I need to call him first?
"Put your feet in the stirrups." Did I need to call my husband?
The point…
I was in the UK at Christmas a few years ago, and I remember hearing on the news how the pubs would be closing at staggered (heh) hours because the London metro police were concerned if office parties were all finishing at the same time there couldbe riots in the streets. In the morning, I remember going to a cash…
It's easier than that. You just tell him to get lost. Because that's NOT an infringement of his freedom of expression, unlike some other commenters and pundits have tried to claim. Being dis-invited to a commencement speech is not a 1st Amendment issue. His freedom of expression does not entitle him to anyone…
I may start looking into joining a group willing to start an "Underground Femaleroad" to get those wishing to have abortions to Canada. if it becomes necessary.
it's insane, because their fucking book says it's not a fucking person until the fucking quickening
that is actually what i would do if i were president.
Can we put them in jail for practicing medicine without a license?
Right?? I am so confused by this!?! Why are there no members of the NRA coming out and being pissed that their Open Carry rights are being taken away by these cops who shoot first?!?!
If I hear one. more. time. that the guy was "probably just trying to be nice" I will leave nothing alive.
In the past week I've heard that self defence argument at least five times. And it's bullshit. In my Australian inner city suburb, a woman called Jill Meagher was raped and murdered just over two years ago. Her case really did mobilise a lot of discussion around men's violence against women, but at the same time it…
When I've shared my experiences with street harassment and unwanted come-ons, I've actually been told — by men I know — that I should NOT feel unsafe just because I've studied martial arts for years. Even men that I've trained with think that knowing martial arts is the answer and cure-all to women's safety. So on top…
Exactly. I wrote an article about Tugce Albayrak a couple of days later, and included this which basically sums up my feelings on the impossible situation women are placed in:
But women are crazy. Women are emotionally unstable. K.
Persecuting women for lying about rape is in and of itself not a bad thing, which I think most people will agree on. But what just boggles the mind is that the mother fucking POLICE forces women to retract their claims by intimidating and then prosecuting them for it. I mean what kind of world are we living in here??…
thanks for the tip! I'll check it out.