Actually, I would say the sex is biological, gender is neurological, and gender roles are sociological. The distinction is important because it recognizes that mental gender is innate.
Actually, I would say the sex is biological, gender is neurological, and gender roles are sociological. The distinction is important because it recognizes that mental gender is innate.
These are also people who openly state that the only thing keeping people (presumably including themselves) from going around raping and murdering each other en masse is the threat of eternal damnation.
My husband's an artist and the worst part for me isn't being interested in his art—he's really talented and funny—it's living with the predictable roller coaster of his perfectionism.
You're absolutely right. But you know what I think shows a hell of a lot more respect to the troops? Oh, I don't know, making sure they don't have to wait for years to get the benefits they earned when they were injured in Iraq or Afghanistan?
Let me just state that I don't for a second buy into guys just not being able to help themselves when it comes to young women because "fertility". Bullshit - it's a total social construct. If it wasn't then women would feel the same "drive" to be with 18-22 year-old males. That's *their* physical prime, from a…
Your argument seems to be: males can want to fuck AND want to fuck people they're sexually attracted to (which in this study = females restricted to a 10-year age set) AND want to father children, and those can all be separate, complex, organically rooted behaviors because "male biology," but "female biology" is…
"NO, you're pretty, and you're not real. I'M REAL."
Sims 4: Silence of The Sims.
Sorry, I'm realizing I've probably mentioned cannibalism in all of my comments on posts about Sims 4 on Kotaku. I've been alternating between playing Sims 4 and watching Hannibal. All I want to do is have my favorite sim eat all of the other ones.
Agree. I would also add that she's spent her whole life in the spotlight-not-in-the-spotlight because her parents write those children's books about her. I think a lot of what happens in the book is her eagerness for someone to finally look at HER, not her caricature. Which is also wrapped up in her "cool girl" thing.
Thank you very much for your concern, sir, but he does not need your religion, he has science and socialism and birthdays.
what if beyonce is illuminati?
What if Obama is a Muslim?
what if we never made it to the moon
What if Snowden is lying?
Holy shit, way to prove me right. Seriously?!
Jesus Christ that's the worst airport in the world, and just for that reason.
I don't understand why they couldn't have just left out the "for sexual gratification" parts and made it illegal to take photos without permission from angles which or in a manner which takes advantage of loose clothing and exposes areas of the body that a reasonable wearer of that clothing would expect to remain…
I suffered extreme post partum depression and even as that fog has cleared a year past child birth I wonder if I didn't make a mistake. Not that my child is a mistake but that I was mistaken in thinking I was cut out to be a mother. I'm grateful to these women for publicly talking about this. If they didn't I wouldn't…
idk, i feel like you're mistaking professionalism/Good Copping with like, him not shoving her to the ground to arrest her- which is almost completely understandable since that's the best we can hope for at this point in the US. but he was willfully attempting to circumvent the law by telling her she has to give ID,…
Tipsy me is a much better writer. I joked during grad school that I was going to change my focus and do my research on the ideal combination of alcohol and caffeine for paper writing. I'd usually do relevant readings somewhat sober, get buzzed and churn out the whole thing with stuff like "As evidenced by (cite that…