I've lived in Indiana most of my life and I've never, ever had or heard of anything call "hot dish". I had to Google it. Freaking, nasty tater tot casserole....*GAK!!!* >.<
I've lived in Indiana most of my life and I've never, ever had or heard of anything call "hot dish". I had to Google it. Freaking, nasty tater tot casserole....*GAK!!!* >.<
No, he was not hot. I was also 18 and he had 30 years on me. S0 really I think he was some old fuck that wanted to get a young fuck, but sorry. My pussy is not for everyone and if that hurts your feelings I just don't care. No I do care, I wish it hurt you more :D
The Paul Ryan-Biden debate was DELICIOUS. I still watch it when I need a pick-me-up.
they already named #1 George.... #2 should be Richard, definately.
As a woman dealing with a disability myself (I'm in a wheelchair, and the odds are about 50/50 of me ever being able to walk again, even with a cane or walker), I know I am not equipped to be able to care for a severely disabled child - hell, I'm already badly worried about my ability to care for a perfectly healthy…
It is possible to be deeply concerned about disability-based abortion, while also respecting the right of individual women and families to choose whether and when to have a baby.
I don't owe anyone fucking anything because they chose to address me because I had the audacity to be outside of my house.
Honestly, I just want to exist in public without men (it's never women) looking me over and thinking they are going to brighten my day by complimenting me. Honestly, I don't give a shit what you think about my shoes. I know they're awesome, that's why I bought them. And all my friends feel the same way.
Also, as an…
This why I make it a point to tell my boyfriend—and Facebook—EVERY time it happens. Not because no one believes me, but because I want the people in my life who don't experience or see it to have a direct and complete reference to how often it happens to just one woman.
I'm just so very glad that we are talking about this problem. That we are being vocal about how it's not right and that we should not have to put up with it.
I was walking home yesterday from the market and some asshole did the "You'd look prettier with a smile" thing to me and I told him he'd be prettier if he just…
Makes me want to go full on Bacchae.
Maybe corporations are classified as super-people because they're something men can give birth to.
Oh, I don't have an issue with men writing for a semi-feminist blog aimed at women. In fact, I think it's a good thing. Knee-jerk man-hating annoys me, too. Anyone who thinks that Mark Shrayber is a greater threat to women than Phyllis Schlafly because penis is just dumb.
That's funny, I thought she was responding to me because she was, in fact, responding to me — everything she wrote referenced what I said, not what you said.
Jesus. I started letting my kid ride her bike around the block when she was six. She had to check in every 45 minutes. She's eight now, and checks in every hour to ninety minutes. She knows the rules of how to watch for traffic in our suburban neighborhood, what her boundaries are, and that she's not allowed to go…
As well as I know many of my Irish Catholic friends, I'm surprises there aren't areas of northeast Illinois that are purple. Dark, dark, purple.