
@Dehnus: Oh I owned and loved plenty of their games from Jetpac on the VIC 20 through titles like Captain Skyhawk and Battletoads on the NES.

I love how you all still cling to Rare. Nerds are so cute.

The PC version was downloading while I was at work (via Steam, pirate-o-phobes). I can't wait.

Now all my reasons to buy a PS3 are gone. Maybe buying a second PSP was a good idea after all.

@searanox: I thought the difficulty was perfect, but I guess idiots like me shouldn't be allowed to enjoy our $60 purchases as much as you 1337 g4m3rz huh? :D

I played games that came on 14 floppies, I think I'll cope.

I finally picked up Assassin's Creed (the original, I got that, Battlefield: Bad Company and another copy of Fable II for $42 from Best Buy). Interesting, if slow.

@animeman59: The main issue is probably: "My wife and I, like many parents, have been trying to strike a balance between letting them explore computers, and keeping them from becoming techno-obsessed shut-ins who spend all day online and have no friends."

@Decoy_Doctorpus: So how does that PSPgo do on phone calls, text messages and Internet access without a wi-fi connection, then?

@Decoy_Doctorpus: Yes, as is the Pegasus and the forest of gumdrop trees. ;)

In Internet speak, "BAWWWWWWWW!" comes to mind.

@madog: Precisely why I won't be buying - no fellatio and simultaneous lost city discovery. F**k Steve Jobs!

@Decoy_Doctorpus: You can get one for $50 less than a PSPgo on contract.