
Or she is just an asshole. Hard to separate out all that 

Remember, this guy was hounded for exposing the US government’s amorality. He wasn’t the first. They don’t like it when you tell the truth.

I’m not necessarily against psi-ops campaigns, b/c they do have their place and uses in regards to national security and interests, but this is one that didn’t seem necessary, needed, or helpful. If anything it only served to fuel the anti-vax movement which has been detrimental to our collective public health the

Yeah and notice literally NONE of us are whining about a “rigged court room,” “weaponized DOJ,” “conflicted judge,or it’s all a “witch hunt?” Somehow I doubt you have the same maturity level as the rest of us. 

I mean she’s on a major label, what you call being an “industry plant” is just the label doing it’s only job

Socialize the risk, privatize the benefit. 

Ah, you know the demographic.  It’s Florida after all.  

Typical republicans.  

Why should tax payers pay for their private property? Typical freeloaders.

...hmmm if only there was something currently happening within the Justice Department that was pertinent to the question posed by this article.

He’s already such a mythologized figure. There’s value in portrayals that he can’t influence.

Regardless of him writing some book about bringing back humanity to the internet, I’m still highly suspicious of any billionaire who claims they want to make something better. It has been a long time since that animal has been seen in its natural habitat. 

These long breaks between season releases are a terrible model.

Doesn’t sound like you watched it, just basing your opinion off the teaser. The series is decently good.

Bracing myself for those awkward conversations after watching a scene where a war veteran who has been fighting for generations slaps around a squad of fresh faced recruits, who aren’t really trying to kill her, in the street.

Coworker: “Hey Von, did you see where da girl elf beat up a bunch of soldiers! What a Mary

“...I’m one of the like 30% of viewers that finished the first season and generally enjoyed it...”

I’m looking forward to it. I’m one of the like 30% of viewers that finished the first season and generally enjoyed it, despite the somewhat awkward choices they had to make with characters to account for the fact that they don’t have the rights to a lot of the stuff they’re kind of sort of referencing here and there.

It’s almost shocking how well-adjusted the adults the Harry Potter child stars grew up to be are, even beyond the “big 3" of Daniel, Emma and Rupert.

Wow, Musk is so *badass* this sounds like a fantastic high performing organization that will retain the best talent going forward! It makes such perfect sense to match sales percentages to work force percentage! There is a clear correlation that no one has ever seen before!

This genius thinks he deserves a 56 billion dollar compensation package and his big innovation is “laying people off”.