
lol someone whose entire claim to fame is that they are married to matt fucking gaetz does not deserve any level of respect

honestly incredible that people are still doing this bit about sarandon instead of just accepting that clinton ran a shit campaign and was a generally unlikable candidate. its time to let it go

sigh. police are great at killing everyone but themselves i guess 

its lowkey kinda boring right now. plus no desktop version, trending topics, etc. 

nothing wrong with reading stalin and especially mao! just saying

we need to strap him to one of his rockets and launch him into the sun

now THIS is bootlicking whew

you are delusional if you think rank and file centrist libs like kamala, pete, or clinton are ever going to stand up meaningfully to the tyranny of the christian-fascist right. corporate dems will roll over and shrug their shoulders like they always do. give me a break lmao

a lot of people in these comments seem to be rushing to defend this bullshit without stopping to think about the precedent being set here. the largest media conglomerate in the world using AI in this manner, and on a flagship production, is not going to be one off thing. it will only be a matter of time before AI

comparing AI vs human artists to synthesizers vs pianos has got to be one of the most insane comparisons I’ve ever heard. you do realize that a synthesizer still requires a fucking musician to make music, right? 

reservation dogs is easily the best show on this list - sorry barry! would be an actual crime if its not at least nominated

looking forward to voting her out next cycle. or, more likely, for the NC GOP to carve up her district into yet another gerrymandered republican fortress. democracy, everyone

shocked that this person - worth an estimated $400 million - thinks the rest of us peasants should go back to toiling in the office! thanks for your fucking input :)

ordinary people are suffering. millions of europeans are being crushed by record energy costs as a direct result of the pipeline being destroyed. people died over the winter, and more will probably die this summer because they will not be able to keep their homes cool during the ongoing shortages. 

came here to say this. last epoch is actually good

do us all a favor and get fucked

i wonder if him and fellow SC senatorial bachelor lindsey graham have ever explored each others bodies

reeks of desperation

bullshit takes like this are why the democrats are never going to be held accountable for all their pro-corporate, neoliberal policymaking. nothing is ever going to change so long as huge swaths of dem-voters are mindlessly content to hand-wave away all the worst things about the party simply because biden and company

the studio bootlickers are really out in force today, huh