
ah yes, because there are so many “middle class” people who own a cessna and count flying among their core hobbies lol

cool! how much carbon did this release?

the funniest part is that these companies are not even treating people like humans. conservatives are completely unable to differentiate between cynical marketing stunts and actual progressive values. even ESG is just firms like blackrock looking to hedge the risks associated with climate change. they aren’t doing

“NPR also reports the news without any government influence.”

Well if anonymous Pentagon officials are claiming so, then it obviously must be true.

lol cope. the united states is, by definition, a totalitarian police state. we don’t need big bad russia or china to threaten our freedom when the united states is already doing a perfectly good job of that

wow how will the libs ever recover after this comment 

curious what you think the point of the oscars is? I get that everything must be profit driven in this country, but the idea that they should hand out best picture hardware to the biggest dumbest blockbusters based on some half-brained scheme to boost ratings among a vaguely-defined “middle America” is extremely

right on schedule lol

if only a pair of fellas had described these exact monopolistic outcomes of capitalism more than 200 years ago. oh well!

reminds me of the years the christian right spent screaming about harry potter being a satanic work, only to end up becoming one of the biggest JK rowling defenders around. no principles, no spine, no nothing

good idea, lets punish innocent kids and make it even harder for them to accept the hellworld that is Flordia. im sure crippling the future of an entire generation of Floridians will definitely make a nazi freak like Desantis change his mind

lol how much context do you need exactly? you seem a little desperate

can’t tell if this guy is the world’s biggest imperial bootlicker or just an actual CIA agent

you’re absolutely right that American imperialism can’t be compared to the war in Ukraine, because American imperialism is significantly worse, especially in terms of human life lost and general destruction.

lol is this article for real? the fact that step one is taking out nearly a million dollar loan is insane. give me a fucking break

Capitalist innovation at its finest. Instead of coming up with a new product, let’s just take an existing product and split off some of its features behind a paywall. As if every aspect of our lives wasn’t already commodified enough, you can now buy a monthly subscription to confirm your very identity. Incredible

pretty bold of you to publish anything critical of this insane sinophobic hysteria. don’t you know china is the root of all evil in the world?

refresh my memory, when was the last time big bad china invaded another country?