
I actually saw all of season one and most of season 2. I stand by my overall view of the series despite the moments where it's deserved praise.

It's definitely more of a soap opera than melodrama. The frictions and emotions of Mad Men aren't presented (usually) in an over the top way, which is what mostly defines a melodrama. It's more about constant frictions between the same characters, which is closer to what soap opera is. A show of course can be both.

The first season of Mad Men is still the best. Perhaps it's better re-visited, because I wasn't in love with the series until the final few episodes of season one. But with a re-watch you can really appreciate just how whole and complex the whole season's arc is. Those last six episodes are still the best stretch of

I went through that same period. I'm gay and half black and that's a whole other set of issues. There's still a lack of variety in entertainment and a lot of one-note characters and stories. But you gotta feel it'll set itself right eventually.

Before Jack most of the gay characters ever on TV behaved just like "normal straight people". He was really the first to embrace that stereotype. Of course, the show became huge and the character became iconic.

The problem with that line of thought is that there indeed many gay men who behave like Jack (of course not that extreme for the most part), and there's resentment and prejudice against those individuals by other gays. Then there are effeminate gay men who aren't solely focused on fashion and Lady Gaga. They just

This finale might be my least favorite finale of the series. Yes, more so than seasons six and seven finales. At least those finales, as flawed as they are, had at least a couple of great scenes. This finale just seems to be content with graduating Rory. The words in Rory's speech was moving but Bledel reading was too

That train robbery bit was too ridiculous for me to get into. I was rolling my eyes throughout most of that sequence. I just spent most of the time thinking, "Robbing a train? Really? Why is this show going there?"

That train robbery bit was too ridiculous for me to get into. I was rolling my eyes throughout most of that sequence. I just spent most of the time thinking, "Robbing a train? Really? Why is this show going there?"

That train robbery bit was too ridiculous for me to get into. I was rolling my eyes throughout most of that sequence. I just spent most of the time thinking, "Robbing a train? Really? Why is this show going there?"

You're a hottie. More shirtlessness this season please. Also shots of you in those tight undies from behind would be nice. Love the show, BTW

You're a hottie. More shirtlessness this season please. Also shots of you in those tight undies from behind would be nice. Love the show, BTW

You're a hottie. More shirtlessness this season please. Also shots of you in those tight undies from behind would be nice. Love the show, BTW

You're a hottie. More shirtlessness this season please. Also shots of you in those tight undies from behind would be nice. Love the show, BTW

You're a hottie. More shirtlessness this season please. Also shots of you in those tight undies from behind would be nice

You're a hottie. More shirtlessness this season please. Also shots of you in those tight undies from behind would be nice

This and Cougar Town are the funniest shows on TV, and both are criminally underrated. They match their hilarity with heart and strong characterization. This is how you do it corny show with three comedy series Emmys in a row. This premiere allowed me to put that wretched finale beind me.

This and Cougar Town are the funniest shows on TV, and both are criminally underrated. They match their hilarity with heart and strong characterization. This is how you do it corny show with three comedy series Emmys in a row. This premiere allowed me to put that wretched finale beind me.