
The fight choreography in this movie is so great. I feel like it's the brutally direct, no-effort-wasted style of fighting they wanted Batman to have in the Nolan films. But Wesley Snipes looks like he's actually hurting people. And probably was.

I can't believe you fools are quibbling about whether or not Alien is sci-fi while Breihan's just casually disclosed he's going to write about Lethal Weapon instead of Robocop. *insert Sinead O'Connor pope-picture-ripping GIF* FIGHT THE REAL ENEMY

guy really missed an opportunity to say, "It's over. Someone… hit the lights" and then he puts on sunglasses and mysteriously the bitchin' riff to "Hit the Lights" comes on and then Undertaker tombstone piledrives YouTube and he and 'Tallica ride Harleys with Bob Seger into the sunset YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Birthday Party, "Release the Bats"

f*ckin scrub-ass bassist playing with A PICK


"The Minutemen weren't known for earnestness?"

Other honorable mention: "The Deeper In," by Drive-By Truckers, apparently about the only people in the U.S. serving time for consensual incest.

Thank god they set the trailer to dubstep, or this black-and-white film based on a 21-year-old noir-influenced graphic novel might have felt dangerously out of step with the times.

Goddamn, Cooley just does not age. Also pleased to see the return of Brad Morgan's Amish beard.

For me at least, these stories resonate so strongly because, having grown up post-Napster, a career in music has never seemed like anything but a total pipe dream.