One who rests steaks for Walmart?
One who rests steaks for Walmart?
I guess if being known for wolfing down immense quantities of questionable foods makes you a celebrity, then hes a celebrity. Otherwise, nooooope.
Agreed. I myself had NO idea of its origins. Any reasonable person would have gone.. oh.. ok. Sorry about that, didnt realize. But he had to go there.
Celebrity...he keeps using that word, but I do not think it means what he thinks it means.
This is so disappointing. I met Adam Richmond a couple years back (pre-weight loss), and he was a super nice guy. It sucks seeing this side of someone whose show I watched and who I genuinely liked. Thinspiration is not a word that popped into the lexicon out of nowhere - it has very well known roots in pro-ana…
I hate to say this but, I worked as a receptionist in the ER and we used to get a lot of people coming in who used to do weird things to their butts. It was always over the summer, and mostly teenage boys who watched too many episodes of Jackass. The fact that people are VOLUNTARILY giving themselves anal prolapse is…
No, no, Mark is reporting on a misogynistic trend. His report isn't misogynist, the trend is.
Everyone is blowing this is off as some weird fetish-y thing and missing Mark's larger point: this is becoming normal. Let me repeat that again: hardcore, extreme and often dangerous sexual acts, overwhelmingly involving women, are becoming more and more normalized. Things that should be seasoned fetishes and…
The Handmaiden's Rosebud
The actual prolapse doesn't just happen and actresses have to train to get the bud to occur when they want. To be able to rosebud effectively, actresses need to have prolonged sessions with multiple massive objects so that their rectal walls become loose and easy to push right out. Training might also include sleeping…
Mark, I think you deserve some kind of award for this piece. Not since Palahniuk's story "Guts" (don't fucking Google it, people) have I ever had to stop reading a thing so quickly. Bravo?
Oh, I wasn't necessarily disagreeing with the moron assessment. Just that there's a bit more to her than that!
I wonder if the monks love to get people to try the yak butter tea just to watch them make faces. Monks, those jokesters!
Not that I'm part of the buttered coffee bandwagon—but I want to note he was specifically talking about cultured (fermented) butter. If you've ever had US purchased ghee (which I think is likely different from the stuff people are using in India; this just tastes like rancid butter), I sort of imagine this must have…
Palm oil is one of the leading ingredients sourced from industries that remove rainforest in southeast asia. For the love of all that matters to the environment I thank you.
I butter my homemade-bread toast and eat it while drinking my organic coffee, so that's going to have to do.
Never tried this, but I have had Tibetan butter tea before (Finally! I did something before it was cool!), and it's every bit as gross as you'd expect. It's hot, slimy tea. So, I don't care how transcendent a caffeine-buzz I would get from butter coffee, that shit sounds NASSSSS-TY!