
I wouldn't listen to a goddamn thing Rachel Ray said about tipping. Anyone else remember $40 A Day on which she would routinely calculate "tax and tip" and the tip would end up being somewhere around 7-10%?

Newport is in Northern KY, right on the Ohio River. Lots of restaurants.

Children are impressionable. That doesn't mean teaching kids about things is the same as brainwashing. Most people learn ideas from each other and agree or disagree with them based their own experiences. Children need to learn about society to participate in it- that means they should learn about feminism.

"Feminism was about the societal shift to make women equal to men in terms of opportunity. It's something that could only occur in the 20th century because there are facets of our current life that we haven't had in most of human history."

Okay. But you know that feminism was a thing before #yesallwomen, right? You think the entire premise of feminism is childish because you don't like a hashtag?


My problem with the show is what they choose to show us. Two weeks ago, Khaleesi and the bearded dude finally hook up. He's hot. She's hot. I wanted to see some action. I'd been wanting to see it since last season. It was consensual sex, and how much did they show us? Not a damn thing. But if a woman is being

the scenes are staged to show how brutal the situations are. not how brutal the rapists are. the focus on the victims and the "situations" allows for titillation without having to confront the idea that the situations are created by brutal men acting brutally, and to delve into that.

no I ment most of those dresses are made from scratch using the actresses measurements as the original pattern. The designers unwillingness to create dresses for larger women is purely lazy or discriminatory

That dress is BOSS and you look beautiful.

I hatell to disagree with you but that is simply not true. Most oscar dresses are custom made for the actress. Actresses starve themselves to look good in them if they didn't fit the designer would alter them

THAT should be a jezebel article. Look back at all of the "real women" challenges so far and assess the correlation between winner & socially accepted body type.

Oh double-barf, it's like witnessing the first stages of all the relationships that end in "I am so original for having mason jars and a photo booth at my mustache-themed wedding!"

The designer who wins the "real woman" challenge always has the slimmest model.

I think you're thinking Jenny McCarthy - this dumbass.

I know there's plenty to take in stride when you're a celebrity. But, it still must be so disheartening to be a beloved, oscar-nominated actress and yet be turned away by designer after designer for arguably the biggest designer showcase of the year... all while no-talent starlets with zero accomplishments get fawned

Arrrrr your feelings hurt?

Yeah, for when you gotta find that Manic Pixie Fuck Buddy. That's the dream: a one night stand who interrupts sex to say, "Let's dress up as pirates and go on a scavenger hunt!"