I don’t like the idea of the New Republic failing so horribly because it means that Luke, Han, and Leia lived long enough to see their victory over the Empire crumble to ash and then died
I don’t like the idea of the New Republic failing so horribly because it means that Luke, Han, and Leia lived long enough to see their victory over the Empire crumble to ash and then died
Yup, I was glad to see it done this way in the show. More consistent with the original trilogy and the EU books. It was jarring to see that thrown out completely in the sequel trilogy and just another example of how those movies should have been put into the hands of someone other than Abrams / Johnson.
OMITB makes me crave more cross-generational casts that aren’t necessarily familial. Selena Gomez isn’t even the 100th person I would have selected as a perfect scene partner for two boomer comedy legends but it works so damn well. It’s good that people called out the post but it’s pretty clear from Gomez’s collective…
In a lot of ways, Kimmel’s career trajectory is far weirder even than Conan’s. From “Guy who sits next to Ben Stein to make him seem personable” to “Cohost of weirdly regressive misogyny comedy show” to “Host of legitimate network late night show”. I’m not sure if he should never quit doing the show, or quit and see…
Like I said, I don’t love where that story ends up but I think that the internal story logic of it makes perfect sense.
You you bet - I just thought the scene from Ahsoka could have meaningfully explored that more if they would have actually engaged on the real issue. It’s a little mind blowing that Hera doesn’t mention the most important parts (dark Jedi / super powerful hyperdrive) in her report.
Yeah, but that’s less a question of how long it takes to get around as just bad filmmaking on Abrams’ part. The space battles in his movies are a chaotic mess — for one, they take place mostly over planetary surfaces, which is dumb — whereas the ones in the Lucas movies are extremely well-choreograped. You always know…
I dunno, hyperspace travel times were never well-defined in any of the pre-Disney movies either.
I dunno, hyperspace travel times were never well-defined in any of the pre-Disney movies either. In ANH, the Falcon travels from Tatooine to the Alderaan System pretty quickly, just long enough for Luke to get some Zatochi in. In TESB, Luke seems to get from Dagobah to Bespin in maybe a matter of hours. The Falcon…
The Sequel Trilogy had zero scale. Just another of many filmmaking errors.
Its not that the sequel trilogy depicted as instant per se, its that the sequel trilogy decided that time and space (distance/where things are...not literally space itself) were worthless concepts and got rid of them entirely. Everything in those movies happens now.
They’re traveling significantly faster than light, but it’s also good to remember that they can almost never travel directly from point A to B. They have to use the existing hyperspace routes and those are often not direct, which allows for travel to generally be as quick or as slow as the plot needs it to be.
It was a short short episode, but in some ways that was better. The whole thing was better paced and moved briskly along from point to point. Neither the training scenes or the politics scenes dragged on too long.
One bit of bad writing that should be acknowledged is Hera’s failure to mention why she believed Thrawn was coming back, or even to mention “oh ya - and not only did they steal an SSD hyperdrive, there were two dark Jedi on Corellia”. That latter bit kind of feels like the key bit of information we needed - and it…
They’re traveling at the speed of light, right?
Holy crap yes I’ve known him for close to 40 years and know his family. I have seen the progression of his disease over those years, I have seen friends and family try to help him in all kinds of ways. Without the medication he cannot reasonably interact with society, it’s as simple as that.
As someone who has worked in behavioral health, let me just say, for the record, to go fuck yourself.
“rumors that Hayden Christensen will soon appear on the show. If that’s true, it almost certainly has to be in a flashback (or as a Force Ghost).”
...and Kevin J. Anderson (who is an outstanding SciFi author).
Seriously, Conroy, Hamill and Sorkin. Everyone in Batman: TAS series, hell, the whole DCAU, knocked it out the park, but those three were on a completely different, character-defining level. All three are the voices I hear when I read their characters.